My Sumatran and moss barbs are only on the bottom?
Hello, I have a question. I have a 60 liter tank with Sumatra and moss barbs. I have the problem that my fish always stay on the bottom as soon as the light comes on. The timer means the light stays on for 7 hours (3 p.m. – 10 p.m.).
Water values are fine. I do regular water changes. The fish eat and behave normally and swim on top, but only as long as the light is turned off.
I have already dimmed the light using every method possible.
But as I said, as soon as the light comes on the fish are on the bottom.
Maybe someone has a solution
Regards, Matthias. Thanks in advance!
Für diese schwimmfreudigen und lebhaften Barben sollte das Aquarium mindestens 112 L fassen und eine Kantenlänge von 80 cm besitzen.
Und das nur für eine der beiden Arten…
Ist ja nur eine Art.
Das stimmt, damit
kann man einen unbedarften Anfänger ganz schön verwirren, mehr schreibe ich besser nicht dazu …….