Meine Schwester tut so als hätte die voll ahnung von Pferde obwohl ich mein ganzes Leben schon reite,was ist das?
Meine Schwester meint in letzter Zeit immer alles besser zu wissen obwohl sie mit Pferden 0 zutun hat. Früher als ganz kleines Kind mal Schritt Trab galopp gehoppelt das wars. Und ich reite mein ganzes Leben dressur. Sie regt mich so auf ne… wie geht man mit solchen leuten um?
She wants to talk to you about something that is interested in her observation. Others would want their counterpart to go to them.
Sharing together.
Give her their success.
Kindly correct where necessary.
Ever think that other people can also acquire knowledge?
You don’t have to go riding for that.
you breathe out and wait until the puberty is over.
and take you 3 1/2 time
Upper question: Dunning Kruger Effect
lower question: care and respectful.
Ask her what to do
Maybe she really knows better.
Just try to answer faster and faster because she might have taken it somewhere
Well, just because you ride dressage you didn’t automatically know about horses
I have an idea of horses
This reaction says almost everything.
That’s what you see about your questions, you know about horses.
Well, if you ride m dressur, international trainer had yes I can say I have a clue of horses 🙂 with a good conscience this is not at all here
You can judge that badly from here, can you? Maybe she got so much knowledge she just knows.
Is she wrong or are you just mad because she knows so much?
She might have caught up with this one, so she thinks she can answer.
So she knows something.
What if you’re less upset about your sister and work more on yourself? 😀
The horses are hungry in the evening
Ignore, let people know everything.
I think