Meine schwester hat auf mein ausgeliehendes buch aus der Bibliothek gemalt was soll ich tun?
Also weil ich kein Bibliothekausweis habe hat mir meine freundin von ihren ein buch ausgeliehen als ich zuhause war darin dan gelesen habe hatte ich es wirklich nur kurz alleine gelassen und ich kam wieder und sah das meine Schwester in mein Buch gemalt hatte aber nur in die ersten seiten also nicht im Inhalt der geschichte jetzt weiß ich nicht was ich machen soll u, wie ich es meine freundin sagen und wie die konsikfenzen mit der Bibliothek sein würden . (Entschuldigung für meine Rechtschreibung)
So sieht es aus und biss diese seite hatte sie gemalt
No problem. Something like that can happen.
What can you do? Completely openness and honesty brings most.
The girlfriend offers you to go to the library and explain the facts. A drawing in a book is nothing bad. If the woman/the man didn’t get a bad day there, you’ll have an understanding for you. It would also be good if you could move your sister to join us.
Just courage, you’ll do it right.
The book you will have to buy and exchange for the painted one, it is important that it is replaced.
I have ordered a new book that I will give the library how to tell my friend
That you have a little sister who doesn’t know what they’re doing.
Well, staying with the truth would not have been deliberately made and replacements will be kept. You can’t do more than that and excuse yourself.
Thank you.
Go to the library and tell it as it is
Tell your parents who will have to buy or pay this book.
Parents are liable for their children.
You have to replace it
Then you would have to replace a large number of books in a library. Because of a drawing, you should not be forced into a replacement.
you have to get up for the harm and of course replace the book.
get a library card.
the distribution of library books is prohibited.