Meine Schuhe gehen schon ziemlich kaputt aber meine Eltern meinen sind noch gut genug, muss ich die dann noch weiter tragen?
Meine Eltern wollen mir keine Schuhe kaufen die meinen sind noch gut genug nur ich bin anderer Meinung, die gehen an der Seite schon kaputt.
If your parents don’t buy you a new one and you don’t have money for new ones, I guess so. You won’t force your parents to buy you new ones. “Function” you have something on your feet and the holes could be flicked (the rest is a matter of taste). My parents also know the time to wear the patched clothes of the older siblings.
But I would agree that I wouldn’t wear it anymore, but that doesn’t bring you much if your parents don’t want to spend the money. In your place, I’d just buy myself shoes. In the net you will surely find which for 20 to 30 euros.
I don’t get pocket money and can’t buy a new one
Since you are 18 all ways to earn money are open to you. Because it’s looking everywhere right now, it shouldn’t be a problem. Good luck.
Do your parents don’t want to buy you new shoes?
So the shoes are broken and you see that the holes have. In the summer where it is relatively warm and dry, this is no longer bad, as if necessary you could wear it a little bit.
However, in the autumn, where it becomes cool and damp, these shoes probably also leave too much water and should therefore be replaced quickly.
And for a real winter, the shoes are totally inappropriately thin.
In the past, there were always only new shoes at fixed times, once to summer and once to winter, and my younger brother was often allowed to apply my old winter boots when they were still good.
Don’t want my parents who think they’re still good enough to put them on before I get new
They are no longer good. You should get new ones.
Savings is okay and you don’t have to buy at the smallest fake new shoes. Here you go.
at most perhaps still worth collectors in ebay ^^
I had to walk around with something like that. Not because of my parents’ viciousness, but because sometimes the money was scarce in a household with “freelance” incomes, sometimes very fluctuating.
At the sole edge of the one flap it is still possible to glue… Mainly the soles are not through to the socks at the bottom. 😎
The bottom is still good, do you think they’re still good enough?
Yes, if you had to wear them only in dry weather in your spare time.
I’m at least here something different from my parents, and my school time was partly different from yours. In the 1980s, I had to add some of my mother’s old sneakers. At least she had no really “Ladys” and so rancid they were not yet in their self-resolution when handed over in the GüReg. (was at that time also other quality)
If iwie reparabel, some of my / our shoes went to the Schuster more often Stretching until again more money came to the family fund.
I have to wear it at school or if it’s wet outside.
They’re pretty ramparted and don’t baptize anymore, so your parents should steer and get new ones.
They mean they’re still good enough and they’re supposed to put on
If you want them to fall off your feet, talk to your parents.
Then secretly tear the shoes and tell them not to wear them anymore.
Have I seen them not buy some
Your shoes really have their best times behind them!
It will definitely be time for new shoes!
Yes I think
New shoes are not a luxury!
They’re too broken. New. Your parents can wear it themselves.
I do not dare to answer such questions of fate. You do not look completely new….
Go to work and buy new jobs, even small, without ending.
Doesn’t my parents have to buy new shoes for me? I’m going to school
You’re 18 and grow up with it. No one can forbid you to earn money by the way. If you move out and make a training you can transfer your child’s money to them. If your parents don’t buy shoes and don’t get pocket money, you’re quite powerless. But for you, a sign in your life seems to try to be independent and hang in.
You need new waterproof shoes.
Now comes the cold wet season and you will get problems with your broken shoes.
At Deichmann there are cheap shoes.
I have no money and my parents mean the shoes are still good enough and I want to put them on
Can save and buy some of your pocket money.
Unfortunately, I don’t get pocket money and my parents think they’re still good enough and I’m supposed to put them all on
They’re garbage
Not so good
I wouldn’t have been going out