Meine PC drückt automatisch W?
Mein PC drückt bei manchen Games manchmal automatisch die w taste, an der Tastatur liegt es nicht, denn ich habe schon 2 andere ausprobiert.
Gibt es irgendeine Tastenkombination das es automatisch W drückt? Oder weiß jemand an was das liegen könnte?
Can be at the keyboard cache that you have already pressed the W button more frequently – but the commands have not yet been processed.
The other alternative would be less beautiful:
You have malware on your computer. Incl. “Schadhardware” via USB.
can I do anything against the first?
It’s hard to say.
A keyboard cache only runs full when the system is overloaded – which should not be the case with half-way current computers.
On the other hand, as you only test this when playing, it would speak again for a system overload.
The fact that the problem occurs with in particular 3 keyboards suggests that it is not a hardware problem of the keyboard.
if Mechanic Keyboard Change button otherwise I would eif get a new one and not give me the problem
Let a good virus scanner run!