Meine oma kocht ständig?
Hallo ich nehme übelst zu da meine Oma jeden Tag mittag kocht und ich was essen soll wenn ich von der Schule komme ich würde aber liebend gerne etwas abnehmen aber wenn ich mal nichts esse weil ich einfach keinen Appetit gerade habe ist sie total angerissen was soll ich tun
Hi you should all talk together, your parents your grandma and, of course, you can definitely find a solution where everyone can live, you can also tell her energetically that you would not eat the fat food anymore to not get fat and the next day you show it seriously when she cooked fat has nothing to eat.
You have to try grandma to catch up, grandma grew up with you need enough to eat otherwise you like off or sun
and that must learn Grandma that is no more the case, try to explain how to calculate kalorin and that you really like to eat her, but you just want to eat as much as is good on the day
She says you don’t get fat
then you reckon the kalorin once on days high that you take up with it and expect her how fast that would go, a two-year-old already.
In my opinion, you are not overweight for your size.
Your grandma thinks well with you, she lived in a time when the food wasn’t as cheap as today and the choice wasn’t as big. Besides, she cooks very much and mainly what she has always cooked, she doesn’t know otherwise.
Today you cook differently, you pay more attention to regionality, seasonality and organic, you eat no more so fat, no more so sweet, or salty, more fresh vegetables… because you have found that this is healthier in the long term.
Don’t judge them. I give you advice: praise your grandma that she is so nice and cooks for you and also the food, but tell her kindly that you are tired when you have enough or that you do not tolerate this (fat) sausage (that you get light belly pain). Tell her not to be sad that you can’t eat so much….
I don’t think you’ll have to deal with her if you’re too much.
I know such stories and know that is not so easy for some people, some feel insulted with such an insult.
It must be possible that you have a right of co-determination about your diet, if you are healthy and have a healthy weight.
From a meal that has a little more calories you will not increase. It depends on what you’re still the rest of the day and of course how much you’re moving.
And without any information about your person, such as age, size and weight, no one can say if your grandma is right or you.
However, you can easily eat what your grandma cooks only the amount you would have to adjust if necessary. Means eating a smaller portion if it is very high calorie and you really need to lose weight.
You don’t have to lose values. It is also possible to eat only a smaller portion. This does not increase. If there’s a weight increase, just eat the rest of the day a little less, then you’ll never touch anyone. A sensible conversation with adults (ma, parents) could also be helpful.
To get a warm meal every day is quite healthy. There’s nothing to do about it, and that doesn’t make it thick. It depends on how your grandma cooks: with lots of bacon or other fat or sugar? If so, say that you can cook slim. Otherwise, be grateful for the warm meal.
Eat smaller portions, more vegetables and less (fat) meat/ sauce on the plate and generally move more.
At the other meals eat accordingly little.
Problem solved.
Leave dinner or eat some vegetables in the evening, then don’t take it.
Just don’t eat or she doesn’t seem to get it…
Talk to her about it but because of a bit after school you won’t eat fat I always eat when I want and stay a cloth
Maybe eat smaller portions
Nothing else to eat. Where’s the problem?