Meine Mutter will nicht das ich esse?
Hey Leute ich habe da so ein Problem
irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl das meine Mutter will das ich nichts esse gerade wollte ich youghurt essen und ich habe mir das am Esstisch mit genommen und dann als meine Mutter das gesehen hat ist sie hinter mir gerannt und sie sagt so was machst du und dann sie so gib das sofort her dann habe ich den Löffel weg geworfen und sie ist dann dahin gerannt und dann hat sie auf mein Kopf geschlagen und ist weg gegagen und dann meinte sie das es für meine kleine Schwester ist weil sie nichts anderes isst . Ich bin 18 und Muslime vielleicht ist sie deswegen so zur mir einmal meinte sie zur mir ich mach kein Essen für dich und das war eine lange Zeit ich habe in der Zeit viel abgenommen ich meinte dann Mama. Machst du mir was zu essen die meinte mach dir selber das ist ja kein Problem sie will das ich es lernen ich kann bisschen kochen Nudeln und so aber ich will das sie es netter sagt . In der Zeit als sie nichts zum Essen gemacht hat meinte sie dann sehe es doch positiv du hast abgenommen ich war kurz davor zu weinen 😢 sowas macht man nicht als Mutter als Mutter muss man für ihr Kind sorgen egal wie alt man ist man ist Mutter und Punkt . Und immer schreit sie mich an ja warum räumst du nicht dein Zimmer auf oder warum machst du nicht die Wäsche warum räumst du nicht Wohnzimmer auf ich würde das ja machen kann das auch aber hab irgendwie keine lusst dazu und sie sagt das sofort immer meine Oma und ich finde meine Oma ist auch bisschen frech zur mir geworden dann rede ich nie mit ihr und auch nicht mit meiner mutter ich denke das ich das Essen von meiner Mutter nie wieder essen werde ganz ehrlich wenn sie so ein Theater macht
was kann ich machen damit ich mich besser fühle ?
I know what’s happening here. You are or have never been important to your family. This is the case in many Muslim families that the older daughter will violate. Try to get out there and build your own life.
With 18 you should definitely be able to cook more than just noodles and domestic activities :
It is legally obliged to help in the household. This is certainly not about any nationality but about laziness!
I’m lazy or what do you mean?
By the way… this is about something completely different….
Some let the water burn with 30 🙂
She has to get out of there
So look. Children are unique and even if they take part in it….Manage is not a solution. There are words for that. I have 4 girls and it has always worked
Yes it is true I could do everything myself clean up my room or make eating I think this is a kind of depression and thanks that you have a heart and help
I don’t want to educate my children as my parents have educated me who they make children the world you have to think about everything
Thanks that you think I didn’t just do it, but also I owe that my mother is so to me
You would never experience that with me, because I know how hurt that does
Yes clearly I write with you you help me and I appreciate all the things in my post what writes.I just can’t pick up every time I make Dan offend Dan the much or scream or beat me and Dan wonder why I say nothing
I never said. Nobody says you’re lazy. You just have to fight a little more. Thank you for writing me. I don’t want anything bad, I’m one of the good ones
By the way, I’m here for over two years.
I’m a mentalist….I know what you think…until soon
And I think you should go outside your door and lift up the mat!
This is what I end now, which has nothing to do with the question.
I think you should go.
Believe me… even here are users I know well in the real world… that’s what happens when you’re here for a long time….
I think you’re sad and look for something that calms you
Is that really soooo?
I’m hopelessly happy with my family and my real friends, with whom I’ve been friends for over 50 years and we meet each week.
In your head, voices tell you things you don’t want. Everything must work according to your ideas
What’s really pressing you? Why do you have such hatred and anger in you?
I am therapist
Treasure I’m older and not jammed
You seem to wear a heavy backpack with you – you’ve done a therapy before?
Oh, yes…educator in Kita that awakes memories…. these are the worst
Hearts… maybe you should just grow up with your 45 years.
The 15 years age difference seems to be worlds between us.
At 45, I was a life-experienced…
And was 25 years educator in KITA and Hort and worked closely with the youth office…. as well as
You’re bitter and you’re looking for a victim.
Oh, my God, you’re already in the top class? You have grandchildren? Now I am
No, I’m sorry., last time I looked after it, there was nothing between my legs and that a guy gets kids, it would be a sensation.
I’m female, mother and grandmother!
If you don’t know how to express yourself differently at the age of the age, you don’t have to explain how the world is ticking.
That’s how my four-year-old grandson is.
You’re a guy
Try to get to know people and don’t judge them if you don’t know them
Okay, that says everything….
Then nothing surprises me!
First, I’m a woman and I think as a mother…
If I read this up, the mother, unfortunately, has failed in her education.
Those who are still childish and disturbing with 18, i.e., as an adult, were enslaved too long.
Do you have any idea how it goes? I was on the ground with 45 even before rage and defiance
Oh, man, how embarrassing… are you living by laws? Boy, think with the heart
Response of a kindergarten child
The time will show it…. at home she is definitely not happy, is beaten and stolen….so looks out.
Information only:
Civil Code (BGB)
§ 1619 Services in house and business
The child is as long as it belongs to the parent’s household and is educated or entertained by the parents, Obligation, to provide services to parents in their households and business in a manner corresponding to their strength and position of life.
No comment….
So your mother cooks for you, cleanses for you, washes for you…
Sorry, you’re just as pampered as the FS.
My son keeps his room completely clean since he’s been 12 since he’s been cleaning 14 even with windows.
There is also a dispose of dishwasher and garbage.
If the packet is too bad for it, it’s right that it returns “Hotel Mama” to the back and is itself responsible for absolutely everything.
It won’t take a long time, then she’ll surely go home.
A mother is always there for one, no matter how old you are. Grandma’s dead.
No, this is laziness.
Does your mother still care for you?
Does your grandmother still care for your mother?
I think…very good, she’ll be oppressed at home…she’s got a good heart and can lead her home very well. But there are others against….the father, for example….will you continue to discuss? I don’t
Get out of Hotel Mama?
Mama’s gonna be happy….then the excuse is “Don’t feel like homework” zero and non.
Do not want to know what their own apartment looks like after a quarter
Sit down with her and talk to her.
“As a mother you have to care for his child, no matter how old you are”
No, you’re 18. If you starve because your mom doesn’t cook, it’s your problem
It seems to me that your mother was just mad that you wanted to eat your sister’s favorite yogurt and you threw the spoon away. Otherwise, she just seems to try through her strenge and constant commands to improve your self-employment and teach you cooking. The education methods are questionable, but no person is now perfect and with a little kindness from your side and a simple quiet conversation under four eyes I can imagine that soon again will rest.
You’re 18. Become self-employed, earn your own money, pull out and live your life. Then no one can do anything.
Definitely NO!
You’re 18 years old. Besides, you seem to be able to handle the Internet.
So see what you have in stock, enter this in www and see what recipes there is for it. Then you cook. With 18 you should be able to cook more than noodles.
And as far as Jogurt is concerned, I assume that you knew he was for your sister.
But it’s your legal PFLIGHT to do this – nobody asks about your “lust.”
You seem to be a true princess.
Go ahead and “Hotel Mama” closes faster than you can see.