Meine Mutter will mir 50.000€ geben, damit ich ein Laden eröffne.. reicht das für ein kleinen Döner Laden (8qm2) ohne Sitzplatz, also nur zum mitnehmen 🤔🤔🤔?

So ein kleinen Laden wie auf dem Bild

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1 year ago

I would say it comes to the place on it (high customer frequency with Take Aways), how much the rents are and also the equipment with the price. The rest are operating costs and the purchase of goods. It’s hard to say if that’s enough. You also need to consider competitors.

I had a special business management at school and the area of the school was strongly gastronomic. For a business model, the teacher had 0 points when you came with the idea of a restaurant or a snack stand. The reason was the high density of gastronomy, which was used for customers.

1 year ago

Yeah, they’re always going to get pleites and then they’re cheap…

1 year ago


How much money do you need to open a dönerladen?

The amounts vary according to the legal form chosen. In addition, costs for food, insurance, beverages, rent, energy consumption, advertising etc. According to the empirical values of individual founders, the total foundation costs are on average 15,000 – 20,000 €.