Meine Mutter will kein Zweites Kaninchen, obwohl dass nicht artgerecht ist wastun?
Und bitte nicht mit: Gebe es ab kram kommen. Ich darf es nicht abgeben da ich noch nicht volljährig bin, und es meine Mutter gekauft hat, somit ist dass Kaninchen in besitz meiner Mutter. Ohne erlaubnis gehts auch nicht, da meine Mutter dass zweite abgeben wird. Ich kann nicht mehr wegen ihr, ich kann nicht zusehen wie sie leidet. Sie schmeißt Heu aus dem Käfig usw. alles wegen der Einzelhaltung. Sie zittert die ganze zeit, alles wegen meiner Sch*** Mutter. Was soll ich tun?
The individual posture and cage posture are the worst thing you can do to a rabbit. In your place, I would actually call the Order Office/Veterinary Office to describe the situation exactly so with the request to send someone to pick up the rabbit immediately.
If your mom doesn’t listen to you, she might listen if the authorities have trouble. She has to learn that you can’t do what you want with animals.
I would. When they come by, the law is also brought to mind. The mother can’t oppose it.
There is a law prohibiting the use of rabbits: to make sure that they do not. Should be enough.
Indirectly yes.
Since rabbits are proven to have psychological damage, it can actually lead to a fine and in extreme cases, to a ban on holding animals. Depending on the condition of the posture and the animals.
§2 is clear:
“FAQ: Animal protection in rabbits and rabbits
What is to be taken into account in rabbit keeping?
If you want to purchase rabbits as a private person, you should pay attention to animal husbandry as suitable as possible. Thus, the animals need a large walk, a varied diet and the society of artisans.“ Einzelhaltung-fuer-kaninchen-erlauben/#:~:text=The%20Singleholding%20Sustainables%20s,analog%20sto%20sustainables%20
Your mother’s facts show her the attitude is not okay.
Did your mother also mention reasons why she doesn’t want a second rabbit?
You can show her this page here: