Meine Mutter steht jeden Tag um 3 Uhr nachts auf und raucht normal?

Sie steht jeden Tag zwischen 3-4 Uhr auf und raucht eine und geht dann weiter schlafen, wie kann man nur so süchtig werden das beunruhigt mich sehr, jeden Tag raucht sie eine Schachtel Zigaretten sie wird bald 44 Jahre alt

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1 year ago

The addiction affects us all differently. Some of us are slightly addicted, others are extremely addictive. I’m lucky to be able to sleep through the night without having to wake up for a cigarette, but when I wake up to go to the bathroom, I smoke a cigarette before I go back to bed. My daughter sounds more like your mother, she smokes two boxes a day, during the day between the cigarettes are rarely more than 20 minutes. She wakes up at least once at night to smoke a cigarette.

1 year ago

I have often done what is there

1 year ago

I don’t quite understand the question. I mean, it’s not normal now, but she’s addicted, and addicted people do that.

Why they become addicted? There are special substances present in the cigarette. My mother is the same, but I could never convince her to take less. No matter what reason I’ve called, I don’t think you can talk about it anymore when it’s about 3-4. Or you’ll find something that ‘disables’ her addiction, I’ve seen more often how people just make coffee to distract people ->♀️ ♀️.

But I wish you all the best and hope she improves

1 year ago

So if I wake up at night for Harndrang. Even if it’s unhealthy before I go back to bed I smoke a cigarette. And if I don’t wake up at night and sleep through, I don’t smoke so easy.

1 year ago

If one has lost the reference to reality, and has no self-control anymore, one is standing up at night, smoking one, and rests again.

1 year ago

Okay, I’ve never heard that before. Does she stand firm with alarm clock or will she just wake up and go to smoke?

So I don’t know a smoker who does that.

But you can’t do much but talk to her about quit smoking. If she wants it, you can think about how you can support it.
If she doesn’t want you can’t do anything.

1 year ago

I’ll wake up every night, go to the bathroom and drink a glass of water. If I were smokers, I could also imagine smoking for a second… why not…

1 year ago

Then she’ll die much earlier than without this addiction. 44 now? Make up what she spent in her life for tipping! The state is looking forward to smoking – tax revenue!