Meine Mutter ist zu streng?
Ich finde meine Mutter ist zu streng. Ich muss um 7 zuhause sein darf nur 1 Stunde Handy und ich krieg erst tiktok und einen Fernseher wenn ich einen Durchschnitt von 2,00 in Schule habe . Ich hab versucht zu reden aber sie hat sich nur aufgeregt und war 2 Tage sauer auf mich . Weiß jemand was anderes? BTW bin 14
To be 7 at home, it’s okay during school. Weekends and holidays a little exaggerated, especially in the summer when you’re more out.
And an hour of cell phone may seem little, but enough. There are other things.
I find something exaggerated with the grade average. Whether Tiktok and co should have nothing to do with the services but rather be a principle.
The IGENEN TV, on the other hand, is again in order as an incentive.
All in my class have a TV and there are many who have much worse notes
you are not all! My parents were so accessible to some arguments. But with “everything” I didn’t even need to come first because they knew: that’s not true anyway.
Well, the grades are worse, DAS is not quite an argument. Yes, 2.0 is so easy not to reach for everyone but probably you have the potential to do so.
Yeah, that’s a little strict. Well, that depends on many factors and ultimately parents must always decide how much freedom they give to their children. I would be with a 14-year-old that he himself should control his media consumption and would only intervene when this overhand takes. But 2-3h media time (computer/TV/handy in total) I would be quite reasonable. Also the 7 pm – under the week OK, possibly because you have a meal there – but on Friday or Saturday I would allow more.
It remains: Ultimately your parents decide, but as a teenager you almost have the duty to fight for your rights. So with arguments.
You may feel it strict now. Later you’ll see that this is your mother’s right decision.
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