Meine Mutter hat sich noch nie in einer Person getäuscht… sollte ich auf sie hören?

Meine Mutter hat sich bis jetzt noch nie in einer Person getäuscht und alle meine „Freunde“ bei denen sie meinte dass sie falsch sind waren dann schlussendlich auch falsche Leute … jetzt geht es wieder um eine Person bei der sie meint ich sollte sie lieber in den Wind schießen … und ich bin mir nicht sicher was ich tun soll weil bis jetzt hatte sie wirklich IMMER recht … ich will diese Person aber nicht in den Wind schießen… was sagt ihr dazu ? Was soll ich tun ?

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1 year ago

Well, if you’re insecure, listen to her. But you should learn to listen to your own voice. And that also includes that that you deceive in people or even commit mistakes. Because you only learn from it for life.

And your mother won’t always be there. So you should have your own experience in this area as soon as possible.

1 year ago

Sometime you have to start making your own decisions. If you always listen to others, then it can be that you behave in such a way that their expectations automatically occur. In addition, there are also wrong choices in life, so you have to live.

1 year ago

So if you know your mother has always been right, listen to her.

Man should learn to admit his strengths and weaknesses, and since you obviously easily fall into false people, that is only wise.

With the time when you turn on the signals your mother perceives when you have learned to recognize them, you will be able to do so.

But at the moment this seems not to be the case.

You don’t need to be better than you are.

Apparently, your mother doesn’t blame you for being with the wrong ones, from the point that she just tells you, I didn’t tell you.

So, in the end, she makes you decide if you want to believe her or not.

That’s good, you have a good mother.

1 year ago

Sometime in your life…. up-to-date, or at the choice of a future partner, or at the choice of your future social contacts… you must also start making your own decisions and thereby making your own experience.

Sure, there are bad experiences on one too, that is completely normal. It’s growing, you learn from it.

It is not enough to rely on the human knowledge/assessment of their own parents. As a child – yes okay, that is still important, as a teenager – to some extent also, as an adult – no.

And if it’s about love at some point, partner choice, possible story a la “we want to get together/ fiancée/ want to marry”? It doesn’t count what the parents “think” (due to their personal experiences and prejudices), but what you decide as an independent person and as a couple.

If I had basically listened to my mother’s verdict/experience, I would now have been arrested somewhere in Rheinlandpfalz in a very congenital marriage, with social contacts regulated and monitored by the partner – or would have already been divorced. It is enough for me, unfortunately, that I took professional advice from my mother here and there – and thus put me extremely into the nebula.

Mothers are not always right. In some respects, they are always right, or at least the one or the other could “know”. But not in all situations of life, every single time

1 year ago

Make your own experiences with this person and value yourself.

Your mother just wants to protect you. What a mutt never wants to hear is:

“Oh, I would have listened to you.

1 year ago

Either you listen to your mother or you make your own experience…

1 year ago
Reply to  RMBias

Then it was a wrong decision. This will happen to you more often in life.

A decision taken can be wrong, a decision not taken is always wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  RMBias

There are no wrong choices… there are many ways..