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2 years ago

You should definitely test yourself daily. As long as you don’t have a positive test result, you can go on working. However, it would be useful to keep as far as possible distance from colleagues and to carry a FFP2 mask.

2 years ago

If you had close contact with a person who was tested positively for the coronavirus, is highly recommendedthat you stay at home for 5 days and avoid contacts. The first full day of quarantine is the day after the last contact with the infected person.

It is also advised to test (self) daily during this period.

For example, if one of the following situations is present, you will be classified as a close contact person with increased risk of infection:

  1. They live with a person in the same household whose PCR test is positive.
  2. they had longer than ten minutes of contact with less than 1.50 meters distance to an infected personwithout being adequately protected. This means that without you and the other person carrying a mouth-nut protection or a FFP2 mask throughout and correctly.
  3. They had a conversation with an infected person with less than 1.50 meters apart and without adequate protection, regardless of the duration of the conversation. Or you had direct contact e.g. with the saliva an infected person.
  4. They were simultaneous and longer than 10 minutes with an infected person in a room with high concentration of infectious aerosols. And that regardless of the distance, even if you have worn a mouth-nut protection or a FFP2 mask.
  5. They were on a flight journey lasting at least 5 hours, for example in the same row or in the two rows before and behind a confirmed COVID-19 case (independently of wearing a mouth-nut protection or a FFP2 mask).
  6. Work in a hospital, nursing home, in outpatient care or an institution of integration assistance and are a close contact person of an infected person, the quarantine is subject to the same conditions as the general population. However, for the protection of vulnerable groups, you need to test yourself daily with an antigen-fast test or NAAT (nucleic acid amplification test) before starting service up to and including day 5.


2 years ago

even if it has become looser: you should make a test and avoid contacts

2 years ago

If you are negative, you must continue to work