my mother strangles me?
Hello, I know it's not normal for me to say that my mother is disabled, but she just strangled me to death on my bed. I'm 13 and have a 9-year-old little brother. I'm mentally exhausted and just want to die. My mother is disabled. If I don't speak Turkish, I get punched in the face and my nose bleeds. She almost broke my arm the other day and it's sprained now. She's been beating me since I was 5. My father and mother hate each other. I can't do much. I just couldn't breathe and I still can't. I'm suffocated. I'm really serious that she saved me today. She doesn't do much to my brother. She says I should die and that I'm a slut. I'm never allowed on my cellphone, we don't have a room, I have to sleep in the living room and I'm not allowed to go out. What I've done is nothing. I have a cellphone that she checks every day and she checks everything. She says I'm a freak and I should just die. I want to call the police, but we were supposed to go on holiday to Turkey in two days, and now I'm afraid that we won't go after all. Today she almost stabbed me with a knife, and I'm so scared that I can't do anything. I'm on my brother's phone right now. I'm so close to calling the police, but I don't know what to say, and I'm afraid that I'll be separated from my father. I want to stay with my father. I just want my damn mother to finally go away.
1. Get out of the house! Take your phone and all the stuff you need and get out of the house!
Two. Go to friends or so and tell them that your mother is not reachable and that you need a night shelter
3. Then go to the police, who is next, and tell them all and time your wounds (they will look after you and suddenly bring your brother and you to the youth office)
4. Delete your mother from all contacts (blocks her), so she can’t contact you anymore and you’re at least going on.
But take screenshots of all the chats!!
That’s exactly what I see. The woman belongs to prison or the psychiatry.
History is not true anyway, there are so many “almost” in it and is generally very much written
He should run he must have good friends who will help him
Police run or fight. If everything else doesn’t go talk to a family member and if that doesn’t go talk to your mother. If everything doesn’t help, just go back. You can’t do that! Make that clear to yourself and best to your mother!
My mother had something similar but that her parents treated as a budding she##########
I can’t talk much little experience about it but what you need to do is police and what you can do is number against grief if it should take you in the future or now very much 116111
Get out. It has nothing to do with “normal”. Let’s get out, let’s go.
Hey, I’m really sorry to hear that. Please go or call the police! Even if you may not go to Turkey, I think that’s better than if you’re being attacked by her again in Turkey. And if your father doesn’t touch you, then you will be able to see him further, for if the ways separate from you and your mother.
Please get help, that doesn’t end well. I wish you the best!
Hello I am the one you have just answered with this chest pain.Ey if this is always so just go to any familiar and sleep there.Because this is honest and more normal.I have read your questions and know that you are Muslim. Then just go to some Cami and stay there or in the worst case sleep there.If they can cheer you then call the police.I know that it is not easy to make the kids.
I hope I can help you.
So if that’s true, I wouldn’t think anymore, I’ll go to the youth office police teacher, parents of best friend. But if you’re seriously worried about your vacation, I don’t know, you’re still quite healthy and you’re not so bad. In your situation, the last thing I’d think about would be vacation. And other question if your mom always controls cell phones, and you can write to the phone like this???
She said she was using her brother’s phone
Ask your brother about his phone again and then RUF DIE POLIZEI!!! Just say exactly what you wrote here
No, police.
Just both
Wad would maximize them
In the event of a risk of a child’s welfare, the information has, in any case, immediately acc. No 35 MiStra (Arrangement of notifications in criminal cases), § 5 KKG and can also be done, for example, by doctors, § 4 KKG.
Double keeps better, of course.
Primarily, in the case of an acute attack, the police are of course the right contact person, as it can also take immediate, effective measures to protect the victim, which are intended to prevent further crimes (i.e., to prevent further crimes) and not merely to prosecute (see for Baden-Würrtemberg: § 30 PolG).
Call the police and tell her exactly what you just described.
So many “almost”
I think you’re exaggerating. And then it sounds like my “normal” childhood
If you don’t like it, take off.
Wtf!? This is not a normal childhood
Well, if not exaggerated, she’ll be like mine. Of course not the whole childhood was like this (except perhaps the school), but a part of it
And I think that this pupil has a focus on this.
I’m sorry you’ve experienced something like that, but it’s still not…
Call the police now, show them. Such a mother MUST be locked away.
Are you talking to us from the dead after she strangled you?
You still want to go seriously with your parents on holiday, then it seems so bad not to go yet….
Sooderso, in your place, I would escape on the next occasion and go to the next police station.
No, your mother didn’t choke you. You may be taken more seriously who you stop exaggerating
prove it
Think about what the upper text means
Learn German first
What do you mean?
To death, R & almost strangles, for that you tap quite well.
Go to the youth office. They’ll check what’s going on.
Last question similar 3 months ago, you’ve done something since.
Youth employment Yes ne work hardly
No idea, but a lot of prejudice.
Gruss vom Dipl.Päd.
There have been many stories that have shown that the Youth Office has completely failed
For that you’re dead, you can write a lot of text. (Sorry, reported as troll.)
I don’t think you know what he/she meant he/she meant that he/she almost died.
You probably use it when someone writes or says, “I laughed (almost) dead!” or “death bored!”? Of course, you have to admit that he is quite alive, right?
This is not an unusual or youthful formulation for a 13-year-old.
Such formulations are more frequently used by children and adolescents to express – analogy to laughing at death and bore to death – that something had a special gravity or intensity.
Apart from this, it can also be that the FSin, with its 13 years and in view of the described situation, has either not applied perfect standard German font or simply does not rule.
Are you sure that your comment is appropriate in view of the facts and age of the FSin?
I mean chanfan. He/she wants to report as many contributions as possible and complain to others.
Sorry, I don’t mean you
You again. 😡
What are you doing in a thread of a year ago?
I didn’t notice.
I never care when a post was posted.