meine mutter?

am abend kommt sie an meine tür und fragt ob ich zöhne geputzt habe und dann schnauze ich sie an weil sie es ja eig weiss und dann platzt sie in mein zimmer und nimmt alle meine geräte weg. dann ruft sie mich an den tisch um mit mir zu reden. dann diskutieren wir. dann sagt sie ich soll nicht so agressiv sein obwohl sie agressiv ist. dann will sie unbedingt also ums verrecken eine gute nacht umarmung und erst dann bekomm ich meine geräte wieder sie will zwingend physical touch. und sie sagt „ich war auch mal 13 ich weiss was in dir abgeht“ ich vestehe sie nicht, wieso ist sie so, sie weiss ganz genau das ich körperkontakt hasse

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2 years ago

If she says, “I was 13 and know what’s going on in you” then you have the following answer options:

  • I didn’t know you used to be a boy
  • if you’re supposed to know what’s going on in me, why don’t you go on that?

It’s just that it’s the wrong reaction.

2 years ago

Just because of this, you shouldn’t be snooping on your own mother. She thinks it’s good with you.

And with the “I know what’s going on in you” she clearly means puberty, she probably thinks she’s a bit too loud or not a clue then and wants to embrace you.

You may deny it if you do not want to be embraced. But I’d tell her that again.

As I said, thawing is not a solutionung.

It’s all right. Your teeth should stay healthy

LG much luck still

2 years ago
Reply to  N0b0dy999

Is that common? So that you generally don’t like touches or hugs, because then you might want to make her realize that it’s not right on her if that’s the case.

2 years ago

Maybe your mother wants to make the hug tasty or get used to getting close.

Do you generally not like proximity or just your mother?

Instead of embracing them, you could

I still love you. :

Maybe your mum is the one who does a hug well.

Then you’ll enjoy it.

2 years ago

talk to trusted people about this and maybe call at rat on wire:)

a lot of luck

2 years ago

Yeah, what do you do to her, she’s your mother like you talk to her normal that she’s taking your devices away seems to learn nothing about it anyway

2 years ago

in the evening she comes to my door and asks if I have plastered and then I’ll take it

then she says I shouldn’t be so aggressive though she’s aggressive.

Sorry, the only one who acts aggressively here is you.

When she asks, not snuck, but answer calmly…even if the question is annoying,

As for the hug: My God, don’t attack you like that.

2 years ago
Reply to  N0b0dy999

Definitely! You’ve lost a lot of sound and with the rejection of an affection gesture you’ve been hurting the feelings of your mum.

Didn’t you get your mom?

2 years ago

Your mother thinks it’s good. Then why are you wearing it?

If you go to her like that, you see something coming out.