My mum doesn't think much of my career plans and now she wants to drag me to some career fair?
So my class and I want to start a company together as chaos consultants after we graduate.
My siblings and I spend every other weekend with our mum (parents are separated), and since my brother and I don't have school tomorrow, we went to her today. I was just talking to her about having to choose subjects for Q level (I'm currently in 11th grade), and I'm thinking about what to choose for the best outcome with this plan. She then said it was a completely stupid idea and that it wouldn't work anyway, and then left. After about an hour, she came into my room and said there's a careers fair in Munich soon where different careers are being presented, and she wants to go with me so I can choose something "decent." But I don't want to! It'll probably be really boring, and I want to start this company with my class! What should I say now to avoid stress?
LG Zane
Nice idea – but nothing really new. You will have a lot of competition and you as a start-up will be very difficult to assert yourself against the market power of the consulting and consulting group.
I wish you a lot of success.
But honestly? After school, do a training first – best of all in another industry. Then you get three years of life experience upside down and everyone has seen an industry from inside.
Because one thing is certain: I wouldn’t hire a consulting company if its staff were just born to the gymnasium.
Experience is expected from a berate – in life AND in the profession!
Thank you. Yeah, we’re gonna do another banning.
I’m sure you need someone to do the bookkeeping. Or a secretary. Then you’d have a training while all the others were unleashed.
Or a calculator.
Number of participants x desired salary + additional costs
divided by number of customers
We already want to do a training (most) and for the clerk, and so we would hire someone. We ourselves do the chaos courses, write brochures and post advertisements and so on.
start small… each company starts as a 1 man company or Two men if they were both business founders. No one can afford a paid employee. this is additional money you have to earn and you have to have so much potential new customers with which you can generate more money if you have more time to support it. If the employees cost you 4000 € gross and you get only 2,000 € pure profit by taking part in your work (after taxes, reserves, deduction of all costs, etc.), then an employee is a loss business
Who are your customers? Gymnasiasten?
You think your mess is exemplary?
Sooner or later, most of them surrender before chaos. Without having to spend money for this knowledge.
We are not about getting rid of chaos, but about living in harmony with it.
The parallel classes already know about it and they want it ned, especially the 11d, in which are almost only struts in it.
If the mess was such a problem, there would be a lot of chaos counselors. There is no need for 15 new experts who want to enter the small market segment in the narrowest space as a beginner. By the way, the parallel class makes the same thing when she learns about your winning plans.
I’d be sure they’d be there, but if I’m out of the Gymnasiasts I know (in addition to Gymnasiast), they can do that pretty well, we could rather use them as employees. There must be people who do not control the chaos, but are not against it (as my overriding mum is fortunate).
Go to this fair and look at it. You also need basics where you get the Ifos for knowledge transfer.
In order to lead a company to success in the long term, its know-how needs. This is why vocational training makes sense.
At the trade fair, you can inform yourself about the most diverse industries and professional fields, and what you learn in vocational training can contribute profitably to your company.
That’s why you should take any information you can get. The fair is a good start for this.
You’re right! She wants me to look at such professions as lawyers or German teachers, but I just have to make the best of the fair and take any information that could be useful to our company. Maybe I’ll even take some other people with whom I’ll start the business. Thanks for this perspective!
It is very pleasing that you are transparent, that is central to entrepreneurship.
You think it’s too easy to imagine.
have you already created a business plan that has a chance to be approved? you can’t just start a business without it.
And if they don’t want to do it, we’ll do it without them.
This is exactly what we are doing in our P-seminar and in the coming school years we will work out this even more closely. And with chaos we can handle well, otherwise we would be bad chaos advisers;)
and that will not work.
then you should look at yourself for the next few years and think about GENAU. then you will also realize that you did not think of much.
No, with other people, I don’t mean that I want to find them at the fair, but it’s that the big part of our class wants to start this company together. We don’t know exactly how we want to do this yet, but we already know how it works in general with business startup, which is even the subject of our P-seminar and we’ve learned a lot. There are also those who are too much to make big decisions about the company, but they still want to become a mess consultant.
(sorry editing period was over – text sol addressed to WaterZane) have you already created a business plan that has a chance to be approved? you can’t just start a business without it.
Do you even know what this is or what it’s got to stand in there? Have you already done a market research, thought you about financing? (I go to the bank and get me money doesn’t work as a self-employed person so easily).
For me, you’re going all the blue-eyed as you even plan to hire an employee for the office and at a trade fair you want to find other people who want to start the company with you. If 10 people jointly start a company, there is more capital, but there are also 10 people who want to determine something because they are all company founders. there is definitely pre-programmed dispute. And if everyone does what he thinks it’s best, then you’re sure you’re going bankrupt quickly.
First class you’re so behind your idea. I wish you a lot of success.
And to your question, would it be a problem for you to just go there? I know that in NRW at such trade fairs are also responsible for self-employment, so you might even be able to inform you positively about your desire.
And as funfact most companies have rubber bears and ballpoint pens as a free advertising so if you like that you can dust off there 😅 (please don’t say shit-storm is just funny)
Yeah, I’m going. Thanks for the tips!
Sounds like you should do something different in addition to your entrepreneurial plans. A voluntary year or something.
You don’t have to invest much and if you don’t work, you can start something else.
I’m a mess consultant and I’ve started a solid training. The problem today is only that my customers do not take the information and advice seriously, and maybe 20 people get an improvement. That’s why you’re gonna have to get in touch.
What is a mess consultant?
Really, that’s it?! How horny. I got this idea five years ago from a comment here on a good question when I posted a photo of my messy room. Also the idea of setting up a company together with my class, as they are almost all inadmissible. Since then, this has been my professional dream and many of my class.
Of course there isn’t that…. I’m an educator in a kita that’s on the social side. We have chaos every day. I’ve got parents and care. They kept the mess under control. Doesn’t always help….
Could you hire and pay 20 employees?
If the company is bigger, clear, and we’re just 13 people.
With such a yield you can make impossible satisfying conversions.
But the company has to make a huge turnover. Remember, you have individuals as customers. They don’t pay much.
The class will still separate in the course. There’s hardly anyone going to stay there. For the first time you need a training/study.
How did you get that information? The “company” can also not pay equal to 20 people. The amount of health insurance will break your neck.
We do almost all a training and it is possible, but very unlikely that we divide. We want to take the same courses anyway.
We start as small companies and work in time other jobs, e.g. B. I already earn some money than Taekwondo instructors, I could do more, another from my class works at Dean&David etc.
the chance is rather great that this happens. I have hardly any contact with my former colleges as they live scattered throughout the WORLD. One thing happened to land in my company for a few months and I worked with him. that was already
so you have a main job and do something in addition to the job. only for that you don’t need a secretary or any other employee
write today what was now planned for the future. In 4 years, you can see how much contact exists to the former schoolmates. It won’t be much.
There will be many studying and no career as a mess consultant. There is studies in the direction of IT, mechanical engineering, doctor etc.
Who came up with the idea of creating such a company?
Hm, so that we can then spread all over the world, of course, but we will certainly not study medicine or similar as the user said. But the company can also have several different locations, so you even earn more money.
We will first no other employees need, but if the company gets bigger.
It’s not a company for 20 or more people.
You can set up something like this on your own and then maybe take someone for the courses later. Accounting is delivered externally. There can never be several people alive.
Remember, after studying, you start in the company and work slowly upwards. There you do not change the job into the uncertainty of a new company. There’s always a lot to do.
At the moment these are all spinnereis of young people. That’s all.
Write up how you imagine the future in 4 , 6 , 8 years and then you can see what actually happened.
We first work mainly as something else, while the company is still in the early stages of its development. And no, it would not only be individual advice, but also, for example, courses, brochures and more.
These are individual advisers who make a few euros. They can’t live with it.
In case of self-employment, there must be a profit of about 6000€ per person so that the personnel costs, taxes etc. are sufficient to survive. Consider how much sales you have to make.
Your “company” is absolutely unrealistic. That’s what your mother sees, and certainly the parents of the other students.
This start-up can never feed 10 people and more.
Doctor will certainly not become one of us, we are simply too lazy and “short” for it, except a few nerds, but they do not want to participate in the establishment of this company. IT actually wants to study one of us so that he can develop video games (he has already programmed a few simple games). And who says we don’t want to study, just because we want to become a mess consultant? You need to know a lot and not be able to find a company.
This idea was given to me here 5 years ago when I posted a picture of my incorruptible room and then the person first told me that later problems with workmates could get due to my incorrigible office and then I replied that this will not happen to me because my almost entire class also has such rooms. I told it the next day of my class and they were all thrilled (except the above mentioned streaks) and since then we want to do this.
Damage can’t.
Who has more information than all others is clearly in advantage. And you need a plan B, in any case. So look at it, even if it’s boring.
Hm, right. Maybe I will. However, I do not believe that such things as how to make Step by Step an enterprise are explained there, but only different professions are presented.
Sometimes it helps to know what you don’t want.
And if you want to start a business, you need a base and that’s always a buy. Training. There you learn everything you need for a company start-up, from bookkeeping to the charges. Even if you don’t want to do training, I’d consider visiting a trading school. There you learn all the basics.
Okay, thanks.
Look at industrial merchants or financial merchants. That could be something for you.
Yeah, I wanted to do that, but at this fair, I’m going to be treated a little bit, but only to introduce various professions.
Be glad your mother wants to attend the fair with you. You can still look at some other professions. What if the plan you have is nothing? Then you stand there without something.
If that’s not what I’m thinking about with the company, I’m just gonna get full-time Taekwondo instructors, I’m already making some money with it.
Then you already have a plan B. Nevertheless, you should just look at the fair. You never get too much information.
That’s clear. Some professions say no. Some others are not safe yet. Just take a look. You don’t have to make promises.
Maybe, but in some professions, I know that this is 100% for me.
🙂 There will certainly be some other professions that might interest you… Doesn’t have to do it, but look at it costs nothing.
I just go in there with open eyes (at least partly because something like a secretary or Latin teacher I don’t want to be a case at all).
Very good. Just look at it. Maybe there’s something that might interest you.
Yeah, I’m going to the fair for what you said.