Meine kleine Yuccapalme hat denke ich zu viel Wasser abbekommen. Und die Blätter werden schon schlaff. Ist die schon tot?
Zum Glück geht es der Großen sehr gut. Aber bei der kleinen hat sich schon die Rinde gelöst vom Stamm.
Die Blätter werden Tag zu Tag schlaffer.
Rinde hat sich vom Stamm gelöst. Tot oder noch nicht tot. Der Stamm ist auch etwas weich.
Ne actually keep the easy out of just waiting for you don’t worry about anything
Okay, how do you know that exactly? Do you work with the plants? Didn’t have been pouring for 2 weeks, but I had to admit half a litre at the last, because there were mourning mosquitoes everywhere, that was me with nematodes and with the yellow sticker
Jo so similar to I used to work in the area of floristry
If the pot has a trigger hole, it can’t have been too much water.
Because the bottom plate is dry.
Yeah, there’s a hole in the flowerpot down there. The bottom plate has always been dry until now, but the earth was unfortunately too wet.
On your photo, I only recognize a retrieval of quite strong stems in a much too small planter.
New outputs and peaks of the main plant first show defects.
If the Yucca is good, it saves its re-examination, instead expands its scope.
They need correspondingly large planting vessels, occasionally some new earth and only little fertilizer and water depending on the temperature.
Every 2 years, I’ll put them out of frost-free nights, winter them in the unheated winter garden, pour them only little every 4-6 weeks. Outside, they are only poured 1 -2 x a week with persistent dryness and are supplied with some fertilizers of normal flower fertilizers max. 1x a month.
Don’t rip off my leg for these plants, but they grow straight, become difficult because too big.
Make it quick and save with water
You can certainly replant your Yucca and just put a little lighter and dryer.
I thought to take the little one out there and replant it into another pot.
let them put together, the single plant is stressing extra
repot and brighter and dry place
Okay, I trust you and let you in.