Meine Katze hat mich das allererste Mal angefaucht?
Hey, habe jetzt seit circa sieben Jahren meinen Kater, Charlie Und als ich wie jeden Tag mal einfach mit ihm kuscheln wollte und in ein bisschen streichen wollte hat er mich das aller erste Mal Angfaucht aber hat mich danach sehr traurig angeguckt und wollte sich entschuldigen, dass ich nicht so ganz verstehe
Cats have staff, dogs owners.
decide when they come to cuddle and not you. Try to lure him to you in the future with tasty tile that he wants to cuddle with you.
Maybe he just hurts and you came to this sensitive place.
If someone pushes you on one, on and for yourself, slight injury, then you also say Autsch and get back something.
So you won’t need a check with the veterinarian because I’m talking about momentary pain.
As long as he eats, drinks, skin care, everything is okay with him.
Did you caress him a lot at a place he doesn’t like
He didn’t want it and you ignored his signals. Fauch.
He’s bad, he hurts. You came. Fauch.
He scared himself. Fauch.
This can have many causes.
yes he had no desire, it ain’t that deep
He didn’t want to. And only he knows why. Maybe he’s in pain.
Is that he’s hurt so much?
maybe you hurt him while kissing