Meine Katze hat Blut erbrochen?
Hey heute Morgen bin ich aufgewacht und habe gesehen dass meine Katze unteranderem auch Blut erbrochen hat. Sonst verhält sie sich wie immer ist fit und verspielt. Kann es mal passieren oder sollte man sich Sorgen machen? Hat das eine Ursache?
Lg und danke im Voraus
When cats vomit blood, either the esophagus, the stomach and/or the stomach mucosa and/or the transition to the small intestine is perforated/affected.
This is always a Alarm signs and never normal.
Yesterday we had a question about where the young animal also broke blood. Later, in the comments, it came to light that the animal apparently eats a lot of unrat, that it must not eat, so it suffers from PICA syndrome.
This phase triggered vomiting with blood was the swallowing of BonBon paper.
So, or so, vomiting and then with blood – no matter how the general condition of the animal acts – is an alarm signal and belongs in professional hands, into which a veterinarian.
Best regards DaLi♀️ ♀️, Leo😺 and Mishu😺
That’s not normal and you should pack it right into the transport box and get to the TA. Normal vomiting is sometimes fine, but once blood is there you should act directly and not wait.
That’s what you should do with the vet.
It’s an urgent emergency! Go to the vet with your cat! What cause I can’t tell you.
LG and good improvement for your cat 😀
Go to the doctor. If you’re supposed to get it yourself…
Yeah, really? I also wanted to know if this happens to cats when they eat something incompatible.
Yeah, really! You don’t just break blood like that. Whether human or animal.
No, it shouldn’t happen “time.” Yes, you should be worried and yes, it certainly has a cause, so something does not happen “just like that”.
The question is why you didn’t go to the veterinarian immediately after discovering the whole thing!? Because that’s where the animal belongs.
I’d rather have it cleared up at the TA
It’s clear to the vet right now.
For this, please contact the veterinarian of your trust, is a lay forum here can not be resolved in a sound manner.
Blood is rarely a good sign and should be clarified.