Meine Katze (9Monate) pinkelt alle 2 Wochen in mein Bett?

Natürlich wasche ich danach alles wieder und hab mir sogar ein anti-cat Spray geholt. Das hilft alles nicht. Sie pinkelt immer wieder in mein Bett. Das Zimmer befindet sich im ersten Stock und das Klo unten im Keller. Gäbe es dafür einen Grund?

Sie ist schon kastriert, kriegt 4x85gram Nassfutter und wird von mir so gut wie möglich verwöhnt.

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1 year ago

the problem is currently also with one, the matratze is simply good smelling with urin marked at the place, on it she has already 🙂 then I get up loudly, change the beak, dry everything quickly with zewa and well,

with the spray that could work, you have to spray the place soup thick and then the bed cloth over it,

yes the klo should be close to sleeping place at the cat,

1 year ago

I have been living with two cats (Leo5 and Mishu6) for two years. I also had a phase at the last time, where one of the mites peed into my bed and marked the deck pillows.

How did I go?
1. bought me a mattress protection/cover
2. went to search for triggers.

I found out that 2 things were obviously no longer okay for one of the cats:
1. the type of cat cloister
2. the cat litter.

I’ve both changed and é voilá.
In my research at this time, I found that cats often tolerate things that they don’t like (for example, Hooded Monastery) for a while. Then an additional stress factor comes in and then “the barrel goes over” and they become unclean.

I bought my boys the following toilets (without hood):

And this stray:

In the case of your cat… I would integrate the Ka.Klo more into the living space, not in the basement.