Meine Hände sind falsch?
Ich bin heute morgen aufgewacht und habe bemerkt das meine Hände ganz komisch aussehen. Das sind nicht meine Hände. Die sehen einfach falsch aus. Als hätte sie mir Jemand einfach dran gesetzt. Ich musste den ganzen Tag diese Hände so gut wie möglich aus meinem Sichtfeld halten weil ich mir diese ekelhaften Dinger nicht mehr ansehen kann. Sie sind falsch. Ich ertrage das nicht länger und habe das Bedürfnis sie loszuwerden. Was soll ich tun?
What’s wrong with your hands?
Try to find out what bothers you on your hands so you can work on it
Otherwise you have to learn to get clear because you can’t just completely change or cut off your hands.
Maybe you have a body integrity identity disorder. This is a mental disorder where people feel that a body part does not belong to them. If that’s done, you should go see a psychologist.
Some people have such a sydrom I don’t know how that means they begin to look at their body parts as strange.
Don’t worry about it! There are many people who have two left hands.
Reminds me of Kafka’s transformation
Are you taking drugs?
No! And I don’t drink!
You offer us some stories here, you can also start from boredom or the desire for attention.
If you are a psychiatric problem, contact a specialist on site.
You can and shouldn’t say anything more.
Alcohol is also nh drug
at least the FS obviously has a lot of time and imagination, and their other contributions also bear witness to it.
These are the best conditions for a career as author😃😂
I’m 16 what should I do with Alk?!
I knew about 16
but beautiful that you are so reasonable
Kafka was a master of the written word – you should not compare the quark here with him.
Who else should I trust? They’re just trying to tell me. But that’s exactly why I’ve said a long time because I was afraid they’d think I’m looking for attention!
Yeah, and according to your stories, it might be good to get you psychic help. There are really mental illnesses where your own limbs are strange. Some of them can be removed, but that’s sick. Get help!