Meine Freundin kifft und ich habe eine Mpu, was müssen wir beachten?


Ich bin in einer Mpu wegen Marihuana und meine Freundin kifft weiterhin, ich möchte es ihr auch nicht verbieten, darum wollte ich fragen was wir zu beachten haben und ob es überhaupt noch möglich wäre sie zu küssen usw.

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2 years ago

No, I can’t.

2 years ago

Your girlfriend seems to love you very much if she doesn’t have the idea of taking into consideration and forgoing.

Otherwise: Do not smoke inside, if you are not allowed to enter these rooms because this lasts a long time and avoid contact as much as possible when it has grounded.

So as long as it is easy to live spatially and physically as separate as possible.

2 years ago

Who asks such a hollow question… would also move with a bus 😉

Expressed with the arrogance of an imperial cliché: the synapses are up when you get through (where I get out), always look nice to the left and right when you cross the streets.