Meine Freundin ist zu wenig weil sie kein Hunger hat und es sieht einfach nicht mehr gesund aus und es geht ihr auch nicht mehr gut was kann ich dagegen machen?
Hallo meine beste Freundin ist viel zu wenig man spürt und sieht schon die Rippen ich weiß nicht mehr weiter es geht ihr nicht mehr gut ich brauch bitte Hilfe sie will was ändern aber sie schafft es nicht sie hat einfach kein Hunger das sie was isst ich bring ihr jeden Tag Schokolade das wir was hat aber hat jemand Tipps wie man schneller zunimmt oder eher gesagt was man dagegen machen kann weil ich mach mir echt sorgen :/
It should increase healthy(!) because chocolate is not necessarily the best choice….
For example in milk/cask/yogurt – choose the full fat variant, nuts, avocados, bananas, dried fruits, oatmeal, let the meat go smoothly, legumes, potatoes, pasta
Emergency help with a doctor or nutritionist.
Thanks the chocolate is also only when she is hungry in the evening that she at least does a little bit
Chocolate is exactly the wrong approach to hunger. Against hunger, varied, rich in fiber food helps as warm as possible. It needs regular meals, the rhythm is essential, sweetness only as dessert; in your condition also NOT intermediate.
That’s the only way to drive them into the wrong diet.
If I didn’t read the answers then dignified you don’t answer any meaning
You wanted help here – You asked here – You don’t read the answers –
She doesn’t, but if she’s hungry she can eat some chocolate or is that forbidden? No
What’s in between – I thought it was barely eaten.
The chocolate is also only for in between or can it eat anything sweet more
The first goal should be to find the appetite again. Green tea with honey is a good start. Then eat as much a favorite dish as possible, slowly and consciously, almost rub any heir on the tongue…