Meine Freundin hat mich eingeladen, bei ihr Weihnachten zu feiern?
Hey, und zwar habe ich wirklich noch nie im Leben Weihnachten gefeiert. Habe für ihre Familie eine Kleinigkeit geholt und so, aber dennoch bin ich am Überlegen doch nicht mitzugehen, weil ich nicht weiß, wie man Weihnachten feiert und ich diese Beschenkung und so nicht so mag. Wie finde ich eine gute Ausrede, nicht mitzufahren?
Don’t miss the opportunity. That would be a shame.
We are all looking forward to this most important festival in the year. There are not even gifts.
You don’t have to know how to celebrate Christmas because there are so many kinds of celebrations. Don’t stress yourself.
I think it’s more the fear of something new that wants to stop you. Have courage to look at it. You might say, “That was it. No more” or “I haven’t done it before. I look forward to the next Christmas party.”
Look at it from the other side and look forward to the honor. It is not self-evident to be invited to Christmas.
You don’t know how to celebrate Christmas is half as wild. This makes every family different anyway 😉
So go, thank you for the invitation, help a little and let it just work on you. You can also ask how the process is.
I wish you a nice party!
I find Christmas also mega crap although in my childhood it was always a huge tamtam with the whole family. I’m just doing this for my son. If he’s older and his own life has, that’s what I’m doing.
Nevertheless, Ehrlichleit is always the right way. Looking for excuses brings nothing
You don’t have to do anything, just be there. Maybe you can be a hand, but only if you need help.
You can already give the gift at the entrance, maybe they say, put it under the tree, then a Christmas greeting should be on it and for whom the gift is. Ask your girlfriend.
Let’s surprise you, it can be very nice.
You know, you’re lucky to have an invitation to wait for others to forgive their lives
so don’t make any state affairs from it, nothing bad happens there
go, say good day, wish beautiful Christmas, exchange the gift, sit down, eat and drink, talk and go back after a few hours
No one eats you, the least your friend, you are looking forward
Go, tell them that you’ve never celebrated Christmas, join and let it work on you.
at worst (so almost with warranty) you have a few kg more…
Dress up pretty, bring the mother a present and smile.
Help you clean up the table
No one expects to visit Mega Gifts