Meine freunde verkaufen drogen?

Hallo zusammen ich habe eine frage meine freunde haben seid kurzem angefangen drogen zu verkaufen und die machen damit nicht wenig geld ich halte von sowas eigentlich nichts aber das ist echt behindert für mich wenn die immer so viel geld machen während ich mein bisschen Ausbildungs gehalt hab soll ich da mit machen oder wie kann ich auch so gut neben bei verdienen

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2 months ago

If you fuck drugs, you’ll always stand with a foot in jail. I think it’s better not to screw up your own claims so high. Then I don’t need so much money and I don’t have the chance to get caught with something Illegalem.

But there is also a moral aspect:

Mostly nobody knows exactly what’s in the drugs. Especially with Ecstasy & Co, it often happens that either the dose is too high or that harmful and even potentially fatal substances are present. If someone who bought drugs from you dies, you’ll probably blame yourself.

2 months ago
Reply to  Gegsoft

Are all schnapps burners going to blame when people die? The drug alcohol kills more people than all other drugs.

2 months ago
Reply to  Muscimol

I did not mention the alcohol because it was not the subject of the question. But of course you’re right. However, it may not be the producers who were to blame themselves, but the traders and before all the state who deserves the alcohol tax.

2 months ago

You can never earn as much as fast as drugs, arms trade, prostitution or other illegal ones without being able to do something very special.

Of course, they think they’re super smart and look forward to massively low-wage coal. And you think you’re a fool because you’re decent.

Wait a minute. Most small dealers sell to the wrong customers sooner or later, because they become greedy, or are envy, competitors or customers/dealers who have already been caught (and are hoped for imprisonment) in the course of investigations against others, or simply accidentally caught in routine checks. The more people they know/customers they have, the higher the probability that what is going wrong and they fly. It’s just a matter of time.

And then it will show who was actually the smart and who was the stupid.

2 months ago

Many people earn money with it. They’re thinking about the wine traders, schnapps burners and brewers. Alcohol is the drug number 1.

It’s important that you look at you. Others are unimportant. With good grades and good vocational training you will also make decent coal…

2 months ago

Forget those wrong friends. There’s no future. They’ll get caught sometime.

2 months ago
Reply to  Dezemberr

Because a friend sells drugs he is once a wrong friend🤣🤣

2 months ago
Reply to  iemandxx02

So someone would also sell drugs to his friends or parents

2 months ago

Had as a child also such friends and they can be thrown into the garbage

I don’t care if they want to sell him anything

Who sells drugs doesn’t care about the good of others

2 months ago

If so long they can still control themselves, everything is good, and the type meant only selling for the money he doesn’t want to take drug

2 months ago

I used to be a teenager. Although nix hard but only grass but the money is not to despise, I say. If you want to join, you need customers first. Do you even know people who would buy something?