Meine Frau macht einen Mädelsabend und ich hätte ein paar Fragen dazu?
Meine Frau möchte einen Mädelsabend machen,ist ja auch völlig okay. Was ich mich aber frage ist zb wir waren bei der Kirmes da sagte sie dass sie keine Wildwasserbahn fahren möchte da ihr diese für das bisschen zu teuer wäre und sie nicht nass über den Platz möchte auch verständlich.Nun möchte Sie mit den Mädels auch über die Kirmes und ich hatte nur gemeint dass ich es komisch und etwas unfair finden würde wenn sie mit den Mädels Wildwasserbahn fährt aber mit mir nicht was meint ihr dazu wäre das nicht unfair,wenn da ihre Meinung plötzlich anders wäre?
You’re almost 40 now and you’ve got so jealousy problems when your wife goes to the gym.
I just thought this is an insecure teen or twentysomething.
You’re seriously complaining that she might be doing wild water with others, where she didn’t like you last time.
At that age, you should get that under control.
But I do not say to her that I do not go in, but then I would do it with mates, that I would find very unfair to my wife, according to the motto with her I don’t do it with mates….
Don’t eat.
You’ll behave as well if only your boys are there
Yes, but if I say to my wife zb I don’t go in there because I don’t think that’s so good and would make it with mates then I’d find it very unfair to my wife…so according to the motto with her I won’t go in there but with mates then already…
I understand Grad net what you mean
She’ll let you go to your sports club, to your poker night.
Once a year, the girls meet. In the early days, they’re already drunk, and they’re all on their nerves.
Well, they do things they don’t do. among others
But seriously I don’t say to my wife that I don’t want because isn’t mine, but with mates then I lie to her and I could totally understand if she was mad
You’ve never seen a girl company before.
Sect at 7 o’clock in the morning, chee and gag
4 such in train
Most likely…
So if I like to go with her zb into the wild waterway and she says this as described above, but then go with the girls, then I would be disappointed because I then think with me it makes her no fun. I don’t change my mind when I’m on my way with the guys and then go straight into things where I say to her isn’t mine….
Do you think your wife wants to do this with her friends? Or are you just jealous?
Let the girls do what they want. Give them this evening.
Yes, that is not the problem, but if I say so to her I don’t want to and would it be with mates that would be unfair to my wife or do I see it wrong?
Rechnest You’re the one against the other? Do what you want with the boys and the girls do what they want.
Ne she had really told me that she would be too expensive for the little and she wouldn’t want to get wet over the place, of course I had an understanding for ….I just don’t change my mind at once and go into things where I tell her isn’t mine but only about zb there the stomach turns around me, but with pals I do it then, because she would certainly also happen a little awkward
Don’t look so tight. Maybe she didn’t want to do it this day. Or she doesn’t want to expose herself to the girls because the others want it.
No, of course not, but if I wanted to do this with her, but then she doesn’t do it with me, but with the girls I’d think she won’t be fun with me…