Meine Frau bald selbstständig .Darf ich im Laden aushelfen?
Hallo zusammen. Meine Frau macht sich nächsten Monat selbstständig und wird einen eigenen Laden besitzen. Darf ich im Laden aushelfen oder muss sie mich als Hilfskraft anmelden? Ich arbeite selber hauptberuflich woanders und wollte meiner Frau gerne in meiner Freizeit im Laden ein bisschen unter die Arme greifen.
Sign up as a minijobber and get ready.
Yeah, she’s gonna have to put more on the Fiskus, right?
Your salary would be your operating expenses
Also a mini-job costs taxes.
I don’t have to pay taxes as a mini-jobber?Sorry’s a mess right now
No, you.
She’s just taking it off for you.
Yes the salary she pays to me, she has to be taxed or not?
She doesn’t have to sign up, because you’re a so-called. “supportive family member” that does not receive a wage and no pocket money.
This will definitely be different for both the tax office and other agencies.
Please inform yourself closer, and you will notice that your assumption is not true.
It does not have to be registered as a “assistant family member” and does not pay any wage tax. And even more: In fact, it is so that if, for example, a man supports his wife in the company and she is legally insured, he can be co-insured with her, without having to pay contributions. This even results in a saving in the health insurance costs for the man. Of course, only if he doesn’t work anywhere else on pay tax card or independently.
ispartaner takes his wife a little under his arms in her new store. And now comes toTTraXX and thinks that isspartaner must now be registered for whoever??? Funny idea;-)
I can see him, the ispartaner, how he touches his wife a few boxes, how he sucks dust in the store or puts the windows. And all call “Register, register!!!” 😉
And then there’s the grandma…
Why should money flow between helping family members? The joke is that no money flows that they don’t work but help.
The answer was also not for you, but for ispartane. And he knows now. Only that is important.
So still no legal basis. family-owned-38293
So you don’t have one.
Thank you, lie to you.
As soon as money flows, the FA is necessarily in the boat and there are no exceptions
Even if you answer a lot, you don’t have to believe that you’re always right;-)
Look for yourself. My wife has been OFFIZELL in this situation for 20 years.
Do you have a legal basis for your statement?
I’m afraid they didn’t give you the ChatGPT
Since it will not only be the case once, you will have to be registered as a remedy.
then you should be reported as a remedy