Meine Fahrschule ersetzt mir verloren gegangene Schecks nicht?

In meiner Fahrschule kauft man Fahrschecks vor den Fahrstunden. Nun habe ich 2 Fahrschecks verloren. Auf den Schecks steht zwar das bei Verlust nicht ersetzt wird. Ich stell mir aber gerade die Frage ob die das überhaupt so machen dürfen. Die Fahrlererin muss ja alle gefahren Stunden abrechnen und die Sekretärin bzw die Schule muss ja auch die von mir gekauften Stunden abrechnen. Dürfen die mir den Ersatz der Fahrstunden bzw Fahrschecks verweigern?

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2 years ago

because it is on the cheques on it it is also effective. You could have taken another driving school.

However, the background is that many driving hours are simply not paid and the driving schools therefore want the money in advance.



2 years ago

These are value marks and if another student finds them he can redeem them. It is therefore only logical that the loss will not be replaced.

Welcome to reality

2 years ago

These are value marks. If the value marks are not personal, then it should be right not to replace them with loss. However, if the brands are personal (they cannot use any other than you), they would be invalidated and replaced (in my opinion).

2 years ago
Reply to  CARTMAN081299

So if they were personalized, I would ask a lawyer or a consumer center. In principle, you can resell them, but a change can only be done by the exhibitor, which is why the brand should be bound to you.

2 years ago

If it says that the cheques are not replaced at loss, and you bought them, then the part of the purchase contract is, and you agreed to it.

Say, you agreed you wouldn’t get the checks replaced.

That’s right.

2 years ago

Let’s say I’m an employee of the driving school and I want to give you two new checks.

How could you convince me that you actually bought the checks, but you haven’t redeemed yet?

And what if you find the lost cheques then you have two driving hours “smelled”?

2 years ago

Of course they can. That’s what you write on the cheques. You bought them and made your agreement express.

The driving school isn’t responsible for your mess when you lose the checks.

2 years ago

Yeah, that could be another one. blame yourself if you lose something important.

2 years ago

Yes, they may

2 years ago

I’m sure they can. Especially as they have pointed out.