Meine erste Kamera?

Guten Abend,

ich war schon immer fasziniert von schönen Fotos/Aufnahmen aber habe nie selber Aufnahmen gemacht. Nächstes Jahr fliege ich nach Japan und dachte mir ich kann mir eine Kamera kaufen um Fotos und falls möglich auch schöne Videos zu machen. Das Problem ist ich kenne mich überhaupt nicht aus. Ich möchte nicht mehr als 500 Euro ausgeben, falls nötig könnte ich ca 700 Euro ausgeben.

Meine Frage ist, welcher Kamera könnt ihr empfehlen? Kann man auch schöne Videos machen? Wichtige dinge die man beachten muss.


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2 months ago

Important things you have to consider.

On travel, the camera should not be too heavy and clobular.

A rotatable and pivotable display in addition to the normal viewfinder would be desirable for extreme perspectives without tripod. Don’t forget replacement batteries.

All settings should also be manually selectable so that you are not dependent on motif programs. Closure time, aperture and ISO value should therefore be adjustable independently of one another. Interchangeable lenses would be good, because fixed-installed rarely offer consistently high quality. The image sharpness should also be manually adjustable.

2 months ago

Beautiful photos/videos primarily do not make the camera but you yourself. If you haven’t been able to do this with your phone, you won’t get better with a camera. Because the camera doesn’t make you a better photographer as a concert piano makes you a better piano player.

That said, if you want to drag a camera, I would add a used mirrorless like the Sony A6000 or Canon EOS M50. You get under 400€.

2 months ago

The Sony a 6000 is a good choice. There are several things you need to consider.

1. Buying a memory card that is fast enough otherwise you can’t take it.

Two. Buy a good lens. If you need to get the maximum out of the camera you need to buy a good lens and with the Kit lens you won’t get far.

2 months ago

It depends. If you don’t know if photography is something for you, maybe you should start a simple digital camera. They don’t cost much to days anymore and are handy.
You can also take a mobile phone. But my experience has shown me in the course of the years: even the best phone still has a modest quality. Because you need to know how to go with a camera. There’s a cell phone zero.
What I can recommend to you: Some photo shops offer the opportunity to sell to their own camera. Experienced photographers/ hobby photographers who don’t want to sell their camera over the Internet sell their old one or other times.
But let yourself be properly advised there. It happened to me when I was bought that she had a water damage.
In the end, I bought one for 400 euros in the media market, as they had just storage clearance.
1. advantages: cost-effective and handy
2. Before you get a professional camera first inform yourself what kind of photography you want. It is worth reading in detail on the Internet.
3. Maybe there’s a photography club in your back. You can also gain first experiences there.
4. It’s a wonderful hobby. You will love it:D

2 months ago

And if you look around the used market. For example, a used GF1 from Panasonic with a suitable focal length, pancake 1:1,7/20 mm. This camera type is so wonderfully compact and the recordings fantastic.


2 months ago

Take a good phone. This is small, light and now has better optics than the “cheap” cameras. From the price range of more thousand euros it changes again. But this is professional photography, and so much you didn’t want to spend. Take a phone.

2 months ago
Reply to  Apollo382

has better optics than the “cheap” cameras

No, even a kit objective is better than the 5€ lenses from the phone.

2 months ago
Reply to  Uneternal

I don’t think you mean IPhone 16 Pro or Google Pixel 9 Pro. Or the Samsung Galaxy 21. Or, or or.

Have you ever photographed a current phone? At night the polar lights? In the half-dark, the roe? In the gleaming sunlight with a mating visor the beach?

Look here:

2 months ago
Reply to  Apollo382

What makes mobile phones “outright” is the software-side preparation of the images. You don’t need to spend several thousand euros to have better “optics” like cell phones have installed it… These fuzzilins in mobile phones are not better than a decent system camera with lenses. If you get the pictures properly prepared, after you can also use them decently, you definitely have better pictures as it can make a phone… In addition, there are many used top cameras for no price, plus one – two decent lenses, then one is far superior to a mobile phone. Also in the hobby area…

2 months ago
Reply to  RareDevil

Before I put my pictures that I recorded in HDR together with a PC, I’ll leave it to the phone. The software is first-class whether it is Google, Samsung or Apple. With AI you can also remove equally disturbing objects, people standing in the picture. Well, that has nothing to do with “decent” photography, but he’s looking for something on the go, for a vacation and doesn’t want to make studio recordings.

2 months ago

Current phones have a good camera, but you can’t compare a real camera because the sensor is much bigger and the look is much better.

2 months ago

Iphone filmed in 4K and with 120 fps and photographed with 48 MegaPixel ProRAW

Pixel soup?

So at the latest you can see that you have no idea of photography.

2 months ago

First of all, I did not recommend M50, but instead responded to your statement. Then there’s no mention that it must be a new camera. If you use the M50 below 300€, where NEW is not worth it because my knowledge in the area of the M is no longer developed… But as used one is also under 1000€ with lenses, and even 1000€ are not “more thousand euros”… And also other used good and tested cameras you get far below 1000€… I’m through here. You always talk out with new arguments, or try to show your statements somehow differently, as you have said. That’s too exhausting and too stupid… A chicken in the “Gegenwind”…

2 months ago

not quite. The recommended Canon EOS M50 costs a new 980,00 Euro. Without lens. For good lenses you put a lot of wood on the table. So you are far over 1000 euros where I said the professional equipment is better again.

2 months ago

Yes, it is. But you recommended a phone with the arguments “better optics like cameras under a thousand euros” and not with your current arguments… And that’s why you get so much headwind. Not because you better get a phone as a recommendation, but because you wrote that would be better from the look if it is not a very expensive professional camera.

I like to quote you again:

This is small, light and has meanwhile better optics than the “cheap” cameras. From the price range of more thousand euros it changes again. But this is professional photography, and so much you didn’t want to spend.

There is NOT “easy to use” or “lighter, more handy”… This is about technical “false” facts!

2 months ago

Again! This is about the question for his first camera he wants to take on holiday! I’ll be careful to recommend a 400g heavy Canon EOS M50 and then maybe two or three lenses. Besides, he also looked for something to film. Anyway, I don’t want to drag myself down with 3 or 4 kg equipment. Not at all in the crowd of a big city. Then maybe another stand, an additional flashlight to brighten the shadow, a screen to hide the sun. And so on.

I still recommend taking him a current photohandy.

2 months ago

For vacation photos or photos for Insta mags might be enough. But if it’s fun and you want to take part in photo competitions at some point, you don’t even have a stupid pixel.
Because to display images correctly you need a reasonable resolution. You don’t get that in here with a phone. At the end, you can play pixel party. Terrible…

2 months ago

What’s more, I’m changing my lens, and I have the full number of pixels even in telephoto recordings, or at wide angle. Doesn’t have to accept compromises between reduced resolution in the telecom, and if I want to get closer, the digital zoom… I adapt the camera to my needs. Have the choice of the aperture for more bokeh or depth of field, which a cell phone calculates as bokeh via AI software, I actually have in the recording…

2 months ago

Then read and understand the following…

There is not much left of the 48MP. The rest will be scaled up again if the output should ultimately be 48MP again in the jpeg… Otherwise you have the 48MP ONLY in the pure RAW, which you need to edit again. A system camera, however, supplies IMMER the full sensor resolution. Whether with or without flash, whether in long-term exposure mode or whatever… There are also no pixels together to get more dynamic range, which the sensor has just…

To indicate 48MP as a “argument” in my eyes is pure advertising that does not hold what it promises…

2 months ago

Pixel soup?

Iphone filmed in 4K and with 120 fps and photographed with 48 MegaPixel ProRAW

Pixel soup?

2 months ago

It’s nice to see that it’s the software. But why do you write about “better optics” rather than simply saying “easy to make pictures because you don’t have to know each other”? What the real truth is, how you admit yourself?

By the way, almost any software for HDR calculation automatically supersedes the levels. Also panoramic software…. There’s nothing complicated about it. I have the development in my own hands. And the look I want to create… And then I also have a qualitatively good printable resolution, also for large format printing, instead of some high-precision pixel soup that pretends to have made a good picture… In detail, the difference… SocialMedia doesn’t matter. There is only the “total impression”… But whoever wants to have a little more of his pictures must not and should not be satisfied with the cell phone bars…

And to your tests that you link here, there is no one that compares only one cell phone photo to that of a system camera. It’s just about the “dual under cell phones”, not against pure cameras… So useless tests if you want to use them as a “argument” against cameras…

2 months ago

I own a Pixel 8 Pro. The image quality is far away from a camera with a kit objective at moderate lighting conditions. In addition to editing nix, it only works on social media size.

2 months ago

Heise better? smartphones-in-camera comparison-Duell-um-die-best-Bildqualitaet-9681454.html

You don’t like painting, do you? Camera-Handy-Photo-Smartphones-10527990.html

Digital photo better?

2 months ago

OMG. There he comes with such nem idiotic chip contribution. Such a nonsens. If you have no idea about photography, please.