Meine Eltern sagen ich bin fett und sagen immer gemeine Kommentare zu mir, was soll ich tuen?
Ich würde selber nicht sagen, dass ich Übergewicht bin. Bin ich auch echt nicht. Ich achte auf was ich esse und auch auf die Kalorien.
Aber meine Eltern stellen mich immer als fett und übergewichtig da. Was ich gemein finde. Mein Vater hat vorhin ein Argument gemacht zu mir um mir zu erklären wie ich bin. “Also es gibt Kühe die sind draußen auf der Weide und essen dort Grass und sind gesund aber dann gibt es auch Kühe die im Stall sind und gemesst werden und zu viel essen.” Und ich soll die eine Kuh im Stall sein. Das fand ich mega gemein, weil ich mache sport und ich achte auch auf was ich esse.
Gestern haben wir auch einen Film geguckt und da war eine Schauspielerin die anscheinend aussah wie ich und ich habe das auch als Kompliment angenommen und dann in einer Szene musste sie rennen und meine Mutter hat gesagt “also ob du so rennen kannst weiß ich nicht.” Und das fand ich auch gemein, weil meine Eltern immer so Kommentare machen.
Bin ich zu sensible? Oder sind die einfach gemein. Zu meiner Schwester machen sie nie so Kommentare.
Your parents are doing something wrong. It’s not education. Talk to them. My sister always said that, now she doesn’t do that anymore. Good parents wouldn’t start or stop.
Stop stoop! You don’t have to change anything. You’re just the way you are. And as long as you are satisfied with you and lead a reasonably healthy way of life, everything is okay. These comments from your parents really don’t go at all. If she couldn’t stop, despite your requests, you could either try to talk to someone else or you need to get over it. But please don’t let that happen to you. If they have a problem and they give it to you so rough and childish, it is pretty sure not your problem but rather your problem.
You are definitely a great person
Good luck. (You can write me if you want to talk)
Just live with it. I was always too thin 🤢. I was eaten what comes on the table 🤮🤮🤮
Being too thin is better. I think you just have to eat more.
then I’m tired, sluggish and oversaturated all day. I don’t think about it for two weeks, and I’ve got any extra weight right away. In addition, I already eat much more than anyone else.
Some expert will seem to advise me to complete diet, but I don’t want to do that. I also have quite a dislike to the subject, because I’m always told to eat more and that I’m not asked to be charged happens to myself today.
I feed myself in a variety of ways and feel that way, that is the main thing
I find your parents disrespectful.How can you be such a child??? Watch yourself and don’t let you down! You need to feel comfortable in your body.Only if it becomes too much or too little (weight) you should act as parents, not with insults but with love and support!!! Take care of healthy diet and exercise in fresh air! I wish you all the best!
Such comments are really unsightly. Talk to your parents. You don’t mean bad.
Negative remarks, especially when it comes to the body of others, are very injuring even if they are meant to be harmful. You just don’t do that.
Hey, I’ve been addressing this a lot that I don’t want. But they don’t stop. And tell the truth hurts and so. What makes me mad is that they don’t even know about these topics and then say anything and think you’re right.
I’m really sorry. That’s really hurting. I would perhaps just say to the nasty parent (probably: very ill) that he/she shouldn’t say something like that because he/she himself is fat.
Or you could say that the Vertauenslehrer (if you have that. Otherwise just teacher?) was very shocked by this situation…
Don’t let these comments get too close!
Very likely you are. I guess your parents tried to encourage you to a healthier way of life in a good way and eventually realized that it won’t get better with sugar bread.
I don’t eat sugar bread. Or more. I’m really feeding myself well. And my parents aren’t better than I would if I weren’t fed.
Here is meant “sugar bread” in the transmitted sense. Surely know the phrase: sugar bread and whip. Sugar bread = be nice, whip = be evil.
Without information, it cannot be evaluated
Hello that’s bullying what your parents do, they’re supposed to stop mopping you, yelling at her, they’re supposed to stop.
that is not bullying and also not good dealing with parents
You mean by parents against their children
— but you don’t want to. It’s too nice at home…
No matter if you actually have overweight or just have to meet completely superior expectations of your parents: you are okay as you are.
In puberty, the hormone balance changes, and the weight also fluctuates through the monthly cycle.
Do not let your parents insure you, but let your doctor know if your weight fits.
Because you hide your data, gender, age, size and weight, you can do the work yourself. If you are 18 or younger, take the BMI calculator of the Association of Children and Youth, enter your data and convert the BMI values into kg by multiplying them with the square of your body size in meters. Medical only overweight and underweight must be avoided. For a pretty figure it is advisable to stay girls in the lower area of normal weight.
You can use this BMI calculator regularly because the boundaries shift when you grow and get older.
If you’re a girl over the lower range of normal weight but you’re underweight, decide whether your figure doesn’t matter or whether you want to lose weight. Here are some tips for removing:
What you can do at sport: more endurance, so easy running training, walking, cycling, swimming, using the school path to get to school on foot or by bike. It is also important to burn the carbohydrates again a few hours after the main meal, with some endurance sports.
What you can do about nutrition: less carbohydrates and fat, which means:
For breakfast not cereal or oatmeal, but low-fat yogurt with cut fruit. On bread tuna or sea salmon, instead of sausage and as low as possible jam on margarine instead of butter.
Before the main meal green salad with decoration (tomato pieces, olives etc.) OHNE white dressing sauce, but with vinegar and olive oil.
At the main meal much less potatoes, noodles and rice and as little as possible no fat-making sauces. As animal proteins more beef than pig and more often fish or shrimp instead of meat. Drink: water or tomato vegetables juice.
No longer avoid snacks and sugary drinks between meals.
Generally, eat less. Before every meal, there must be something hungry.
Good luck!