Meine Eltern machen mich kaputt?


Ich verletzte mich zur Zeit selbst, nachdem meine Mutter mich angeschrien hat. Wenn meine Eltern sauer auf mich sind, dann würde ich am liebsten mir sehr dolle weh tuen.

Meine Eltern sagen jeden Tag mindestens einmal zu mir das ich stinkend faul bin, dumm bin, unreif bin, nichts auf die Reihe im Leben bekomme, mich verpissen soll. Ich habe das Gefühl, meine Eltern hassen mich. Das sie mich nicht lieben und mich loswerden wollen.

Dabei packe ich viel im Haushalt an. Ich versuche es immer jeden Recht zu machen. Aber anscheinend störe ich eher nur. Ich leide halt seit 2021 an Anorexia Nervosa. Seit diesem Zeitpunkt an behandeln meine Eltern mich so fürchterlich. Es ist nicht leicht mit mir, ich weiß. Aber ich gebe doch schon mein bestes. Das Problem ist, sie machen mich nur immer mehr kaputt mit solchen Dingen.

Sie schreien mich auch jeden Tag an.

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4 months ago

Can you talk to your parents about how you are? Really? That would be a first step.

Anorexia nervosa doesn’t come about. Your parents and you probably know that.

If you realize that you can’t talk honestly with your parents about what’s busy, you still have the opportunity to solve your problems even without them. This is not easier, but also possible.

You finally live your life, your parents “accompanied” you.

Try to free yourself from the thought that you must do this or that “for them” that they have brought you to it.” These thoughts don’t really help you.

You’re sitting at the wheel of your lifeboat and you can decide which direction to go, no one else.

You can also get support from friends, trustees inside or outside the family or from “specialists” (campaigns, therapy,…).

Maybe try to focus on how you want to live instead of being loved (by your parents), this is more helpful.

Love you how you are and work at the points you don’t like so much. This makes more satisfied and less susceptible to “height” from outside.

You don’t just describe your parents’ handling with you as if it were harmonic. Maybe there is an option (depending on how old you are, etc.) to think about an extract / cared for living to create spatial distance.

Or agree with your parents “to be left alone” moments so that everyone can “rejoin” again. You may at least say that you do not want to be yelled (and, in return, of course, your parents must not yell).

You say you’ve been treated like “others” since the diagnosis of Aneroxia nervosa. Maybe the whole family is just overwhelmed with the situation. Your parents may be worried about your health / your survival. You stress the behavior of your parents. No one is left under stress.

I think mutual understanding of each other and an honestly clarifying conversation could improve the situation for all.

4 months ago
Reply to  amygh

Sure, your parents would have liked: clinic and then everything is good, problem solved. The real life is not always like that, but they also know that.

And you probably don’t want to go around with the problem forever, but you can handle it as quickly as possible. Where a will, there’s a way.

So, talk doesn’t work right? Okay, then that’s not the way to help now.

What will help you? Search for it. Relaxation? Music? Walks? Phone calls with dear people? Handling animals? Meditation? Did you know how to scream in the woods? Put a sprint until the heart knocks, then go slowly? Just try, everything that helps is a good way.

Sometimes it just helps to understand yourself when you listen to yourself, how you are, what exactly you are so angry or what you have just been so disappointed, and perhaps also to write that up/guide a diary. The better you understand yourself, the better you can take care of yourself. And that’s important. And becomes more important, the older you become, because naturally the “passing parents” lose more and more importance.

4 months ago

If excerpt is not an option, simply try to see your life with/with your parents rather by WG: you live together, everyone has community duties, before which he is not allowed to press himself and everyone has individual rights such as withdrawal options that must be granted to him. This form of inner beak can bring you a great freedom and a lot of self-confidence. If a WG resident makes you stupid in the kitchen in the morning, you don’t have to let him fuck you all day…

4 months ago

Sounds like you’re sick. Go to the doctor.

4 months ago

Hey you,

I had that too, I helped talk to them, and they’ve left me a little rest.

Please look for help if all this gets worse.Because of self injury I recommend you chew sharp chewing gums and then cold water,I help it very much and I hope you also 🫂

More I can’t say, I’m sorry, but I hope I could help.

LG and all the best for you

4 months ago
Reply to  amygh

I feel…

Please, help very much 🫂🤍

4 months ago

I would recommend you to go to school social education, for example, or to talk to someone else about it because you can really break it in the long term.

Maybe I should go there because I’m just sitting in the cinema and just don’t take a popcorn because I’m afraid I could increase.
But I wish you good luck and you give your best 🤍🫶🏻

4 months ago

Your parents aren’t responsible for that.

You need to learn to deal differently with your pressure and your injuries.

The best way to contact your trust teacher and ask him to help you find a psychotherapist

4 months ago
Reply to  amygh

Then you’ve also developed skills with this one that you should apply when you have pressure to hurt yourself.

4 months ago

This is your responsibility about what you’re talking to him.