Meine Brüder klauen meine Kleidung?

Die Frage ist ernstgemeint und nicht ausgedacht, ich bitte und Hilfe!!!!

Hallo, ich bin Emiliana und bin 16 Jahre alt.

Ich habe 2 Geschwister 1 kleinen Bruder der 14 Jahre alt ist und 1 großen Bruder der 19 Jahre alt ist.

Letztens ist mir aufgefallen das in meinem gebrauchten Wäsche Korb der in meinem Zimmer steht, Unterwäsche und andere Kleidungsstücke wie leggins und Oberteile verschwinden.

Gestern Vormittag hatte ich ein ladekabel gebraucht, habe daher meinen kleinen Bruder angerufen der nicht zuhause war und habe ihn gefragt ob er noch eins für mich in seinem Zimmer hat. Er hatte gesagt ich soll an seinen nachtischschrank neben seinem Bett gehen und dort sollte eins drinne sein.

Nach dem ich aufgelegt hatte bin ich an sein Schränkchen gegangen und hatte die beiden Schubladen geöffnet und sah dort 1 Tanga, 1 bh und eine leggins von mir. All diese Dinge hatten weise Flecken drauf, ich konnte mir direkt denken was das ist und habe die Sachen drinne gelassen

und bin erschrocken in das Zimmer meines großen Bruders gegangen und habe dort ebenfalls das Nachtschränkchen geöffnet und musste dort einen Tanga, ein paar Socken und ein top von mir finden, auch mit vielen Weisen Flecken drauf.

Ich wusste nicht wie ich reagieren soll und habe alles dort drinne gelassen wie es war.

Und weis jetzt nicht wie ich damit umgehen soll da ich mit meinen Brüdern immer ein normales Geschwister Verhältnis hatte.

Ich wollte euch mal fragen wie ich jetzt handeln soll. Ich wollte jetzt auch nicht direkt zu meinen Eltern rennen und dort einen Aufstand machen.

Die frage ist ernstgemeint und bitte um Hilfe!!!

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1 year ago

So I’d take one-time gloves or a garbage bag, get my stuff back and a) at the highest level that wears the clothes, wash, or throw away.

The boys will notice. And then they’ll feel caught and hopefully they’ll get caught every time they see you, shoot you. Normally, that should be enough.

You can also tell them directly that you know what they are doing and that this is absolutely not possible! I think the two stupid boys think that’s just because you’re missing a sneak, it doesn’t get noticed. But if both take a number of things from you, it’ll be noticed.

Once they know they got caught, they’ll probably stop.

1 year ago

I’d take my laundry out there and put it in the washing machine if the clothes are important to you. That’s why I’d put a woman’s picture of a “scoundling newspaper”. If you don’t want to wear them anyway, leave the stuff with a note on it, with the question if they go shopping with you replacement.

I’d photograph it, too, in the case they deny everything. I wouldn’t tell the parents that you’re old enough to clarify this among you. If it remains unique, do it, maybe it was just a bet? A fun (a totally stupid) to test how you reagier? If it happens again, it will show your mother, even if it may affect the relationship with your brothers…but that’s just not possible.

1 year ago
Reply to  emiliana16

I hope it was just a stupid bet. Good

1 year ago

Oh! By the way, you had no reason to go to your 19-year-old brother’s room and look into his closet. It is very unbelievable that both brothers came to the same ideas at the same time.

1 year ago

Who knows how long the idea lasts and who says that the brothers have not agreed?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rendric

Maybe. Maybe she should check out at Papa if she also finds her underwear with white spots.

1 year ago

Then they’ll be ashamed. Or tell your mother. My older brother did this one time, then I spoke to him and he never swore to do it again then everything was good.

1 year ago


First you collect your stuff and see what part was in the closet!!

I’d be both separated snap and confront with the panties and the stain – very directly and with a clear statement this is not possible!!

Think they’re going to start red, bit of nonsense die – but let it be in the future!

Parents can still threaten!

Press the thumbs, many greetings

1 year ago

Then they’ll be ashamed. It’s quite normal, but something goes too far. Especially if you don’t want it!

1 year ago

That’s not normal so please tell your mother

1 year ago

This is normal wise szrafbar you could display the two

1 year ago
Reply to  Finnk303


1 year ago
Reply to  Finnk303

But you could be able to play the two a similar sweetheart that fits what they did with you

1 year ago

This is a great theme for a dinner together.

1 year ago
Reply to  emiliana16

What do you have to lose? You have nothing to hide. I would just like to say that you snore your parents for money because you have to buy underwear because they have disappeared miraculously. If the Schludrian is pushed into your shoes, imagine that you look at the disorder in the drawer of your brother.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wiesel

Hahaha! When she looks in Papa’s closet, she probably also finds a bra from her and a slipper and everything with white spots!

1 year ago

Just ask your parents.