Meine Arbeit frisst mich auf?
Ich habe nach längerer Arbeitslosigkeit zwar wieder Arbeit aber das ist ne Stelle mit 3 Schichten wobei Spät und Nachtschicht Sonntag beginnen und Samstag aufhören.
Also zu dem Schichtwechsel mit dem ich schon nicht klar komme, kommt noch, dass ich 3 von 4 Wochenenden höchstens einen tag wirklich Frei habe und diesen dann für den liegen gebliebenen haushalt aufwenden muss.
Also ein Privatleben wo man seine Kontakte pflegen kann, oder mal rausgehen bzw. all die zwischenmenschlichen Dinge tun, ist nicht möglich.
Ich lebe momentan nur noch zwischen Arbeit, Essen rein prügeln und dem Bett.
Ohne kalender weiß ich schon gar nicht mehr, welcher Wochentag es ist, weswegen ich schon zweimal sonntags vor dem geschlossenen Laden stand und die Welt noch mehr gehasst habe als sonst eh schon.
Kennt ihr sowas auch von euch?
Würdet ihr den Job auch am liebsten in die Ecke werfen?
Also ich weiß momentan überhaupt nicht, für was oder wen ich noch arbeiten soll, wenn ich mit dem Geld eh nix anfangen kann, weil ich meine Freizeit verpenne und die Energie und Kraft fehlen.
Change the job, no one forces you to do a job that doesn’t tell you.
Make it smart, invest in your schooling or something better, learn a programming language or if you have no other choice, find a job or a training to the programmer and earn it very well and save the money and do something else like an own online shop or something, or you work as a guide or ticket control, you can also make yourself a simple idea to make a business About the contacts then.
I’ve got a training, it’s really hard to find something else with little experience.
I’ve already done applications in parallel, but there’s something that’s more hesitating.
Find something else. You might find a part-time job
Could you take part for a while? Either less hours a day or a day a week extra free?
You only have 3 out of 4 weeksend a day off or you haven’t got another day off except that day? A free weekday would also be a good thing
I fear that such a shift service only goes with good, conscious planning of sleep and leisure. When to go to sleep, when to go to sleep, when to do necessary tasks, when to really consciously take free for rest or hobby. The hobby could be transferred to small units per day, depending on what it is. So 20 min instead of 2 hours.
From my point of view, you have two basic possibilities:
Either you consider the next weeks or months as an exercise phase, in which you consciously do nothing other than work, sleep, eat, shop – and in the end you would have been used to rest and have a life next to work – or you try to go on part-time and find a different job as soon as possible, then if necessary a little further away.
Alternative would be, the free time, the necessary tasks and sleep really very conscious to plan explicitly in a schedule until you get used to it.
See also the legal regulations regarding night work and compensation/sleep day etc.
The advantage would be that you can now save a lot of money because you have no opportunity to spend it anyway. Maybe that’s a bit of comfort.
So the money doesn’t irritate me in the layers at all.
I have more, but it weighs the whole thing back and forth and always restless and doesn’t get up.
I don’t remember when the last time I really slept for 8 hours and then after or before I had time for myself.
It blurs only, I don’t sleep qualitatively well, but it’s more like a dawning in front of itself and sometimes penning for 1-2 hours, which then takes almost the entire leisure time and therefore I have nix of it.
I’ve been working in shiftwork for seven years and I’m through. Sleep problems, concentration problems etc. now have a burnout and will not work after night even if I liked it, it’s just totally unhealthy and I’m not good.
If it’s so extreme, find something new.
Work yourself 3 layer, from mo to fr. and get well with it.
So I’m seriously wondering every day how a normal person can embarrass himself with such a nem working system.
Unless you’re trying to tell yourself what you have for such great advantages, I don’t know what to do.
I like to do early and night shift. I don’t miss anything in normal life. Late shift is more complicated because much of my social life takes place simply in the afternoon or in the evening.
Stop crying. Welcome to life. Education is the key. What did you learn?
Yeah, look, I can do good early and late, but the nights kill me.
This has essentially to do with the fact that I absolutely do not pack it with the day-by-day sleep.
And the few free days in between or Evening and leisure are simply not enough to relax.
I’ve had a change in the morning and late with normal weekends, that was great.