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Our mother hen is laying eggs again and isn't making any clucky noises anymore, but the chicks still follow her. She's also started pecking at the chicks, but they don't seem to mind. Would it perhaps help, to relieve the mother hen and protect the chicks, to put the chicks back into the chick house…
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How do you move in the air as an eagle?
Hello community, you can find my question above in the question title. I would appreciate every single answer.
Is the egg fertilized?
Please reply quickly
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Es gibt Fälle da legen Wellensittichhennen vereinzelte Eier. Dies kann mal passieren wenn der Hormonhaushalt überkocht.
Ohne Bruthöhle wird das Ei dann am nächstbesten Platz gelegt bzw fallen gelassen.
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Manchma dauert es gerade beim ersten Gelege länger. Aber von 1 bis 7 oder 8 Eiern ist hslt alles möglich.