Mein Vater will, dass ich beschnitten werde?
Ich m14 war vor einem Monat beim Urologen wegen einer möglichen Vorhautverengung und er hat mir gesagt, dass ich zuerst eine Cortison Creme benutzen soll. Das habe ich getan und er hat gesagt, dass die Entzündung schon gut weggegangen ist. Dann hat er gesagt, dass eine Beschneidung medizinisch gesehen nicht nötig ist und hat mir 3 Optionen offen gelassen:
1. Ich soll abwarten, da er nicht weiß, wie sich das weiter entwickelt.
2. Ich mache eine kleine Bändchen-OP, da mein Bändchen etwas kurz ist.
3. Wenn ich es ein für alle mal lösen will, dann die radikale Beschneidung.
Jetzt denke ich gerade darüber nach. Mein Vater erwartet aber von mir, dass ich mich beschneiden lasse, da “meine ganze Familie” beschnitten ist. Und jetzt versucht er mich dazu zu drängen. Er schickt mir Links mit Vorteilen zur Beschneidung.
Was soll ich denn jetzt tun? Meine Mutter sagt, dass ich selbst entscheiden und nicht auf meinen Vater hören soll.
Don’t let your father tell you this, but make the decision. A circumcision itself has hardly any advantages and more disadvantages.
This is not an argument with hygiene, because you can wash yourself and also should. In addition, the foreskin serves as a protection for the penis to protect the acorn from contamination or injury. After cutting, the penis also dries out and the sensitivity and irritability is reduced.
A circumcision should only be carried out if it is absolutely necessary in medical terms. This is also the only advantage that a trimming can offer, namely that the problem of a narrowed fore skin or the like is solved. Otherwise, it only brings disadvantages. Only for the optics or tradition it is simply unnecessary and takes the penis only an important protection for it and its irritability.
You can’t undo a circumcision. Just because of religion or family, you should definitely not do it. Follow the doctor’s recommendations and see if variant 1 or 2 makes sense.
Your mother is right. Hold on to her. Wait for how this currently unpredictable medical need develops. The urologist confirms that circumcision would not be necessary.
Because what’s off is off. There’s no way back. Cutting is still going!
The fact that everything was circumcised in the family is not an argument. And there are no objective advantages, even if this is always claimed. Ask your mother that she tells your father that an operation is not a topic until further notice, and he should not send you any links.
What’s going on doesn’t come back. If everything can be solved with ointments, you should leave it. The acorn is an inner organ that doesn’t like being outdoors. And whatever deim father calls benefits, there are at least as many good reasons against it.
I recommend you decide completely independently of your father. The whole family is a stupid reason. If all have a big penis and you only have 7 cm, that would be (hopefully) no problem. It’s just overcrowded.
I can’t say much about the medical side. It’s better to judge doctors who examined you. If it is not necessary, it is not necessary.
It’s DEIN body. Besides, don’t run away. You can still do this at any time. Once you’ve done it, there’s no way back. So if you’re not completely sure yourself, leave it.
Let it go. It’s much better without pre-skin. It looks better, it’s also a bit more hygienic and you’re always going to get rid of all the problems.
Your mother is absolutely right! you should decide on your own.
if it is not urologically necessary, circumcision has no advantages, is a purely aesthetic intervention – and it is known that it can be disputed about taste.
You’re old enough to decide and determine yourself. An OP is a legally binding violation, that is, you must agree. If you’re under 18, your parents may agree.
At your age, at this intervention, and at the setting of your mother, your father can’t prescribe this to you, and it’s DEINE thing.
Be glad you have this mother. Stop her.
Hello Geat, 👋
you should have this important body part
Do NOT amputate,
just because your father wants it.
This body part belongs to NUR DIR,
not your father!
According to the new guideline, the complication rate is about 5 percent. These include short-term light complications such asbleeding, wound infections, but
also heavy as the injury of
Acorn and urethra to death.
Long-term complications are not taken into account. …
… Since 2013, the 7th annual May the world day ofgenital self-determinationcommitted. People of different origin, religion and age are there, as is the association MOGUS, who has a voice for circumcision
there. Formore and more affected
as adult men under their
circumcision suffer, report
publicly speaking!!️
MOGIS is also involved in the new guideline on boys’ complaints. circumcision-von-jungen-muss-die-vorhaut-real-weg-swr2-wissen-2022-12-100.html
The circumcision of boys leaves a lifelong trauma for some affected persons such as Victor Schierung and Önder Özgeday.
Please read this:
LG 🙋🏻
Don’t want to tell what’s so funny?
Are you laughing at the suffering of many irreversible circumcised men?!
And. … what’s so funny?
And that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do.
Let it go. It’s much better without pre-skin. It looks better, it’s also a bit more hygienic and you’re always going to get rid of all the problems. Your father knows him and let him do it.
Appearance lies in the eye of the viewer, hygiene is an old myth that belongs to the kingdom of the fable where it comes from. We have running water in our homes. And the fact that it is his father and other relatives, does not make one of them an expert. Finally, the doctor himself called it the third and last point. This is the last, but not the best.
Are you circumcised yourself?
Article by experts on the meaning of the foreskin: circumcision-protection-pre-disorders-and-better-sex-so-judgment-aerzte-ueber-die-operation_id_7136582.html circumcision-medical benefits-wurden-eher-ueberschatzt
I can say anything if I want to. And I’m sure I’m not going to be silent when someone propagates such horrendous bullshit. Even doctors who deserve to say that circumcision only the ultima ratio and must not be seen as a cure.
No one regrets it. You don’t need this skin for anything and there’s no reason to stick it back, especially if it makes problems as with the questioner.
And as long as you don’t know how to be circumcised, you shouldn’t say anything.
They can do that. Only gluing is no longer possible if they regret it later.
And I know enough people with foreskin that they couldn’t get rid of quickly enough and have been cut.
No, never for heaven’s sake. My foreskin works one-way in all the functions she has to perform, but I know enough circumcisions that complain very much about her fate.
You should decide what you want.
But if you have problems with the foreskin, you should consider it.
With me the foreskin was sometimes wounded and it annoyed. Since I’ve been interested in circumcision in general because of the appearance, I’ve let it go. And the decision was perfect for me, as I find it so great.
It’s just your decision.
The operation itself is unproblematic. But the idea is funny.
I myself was already in the hospital before and therefore knew the leaps..
You can only decide
Your father speaks from his own experience and wants the best for you. The advice of the doctor says it in point 3. if you definitely want to get rid of the problem, let it do, and since the preskin is operated anyway, let grad do everything. Of course, that’s a little late in your age, but better now than never, and believe me you’ll be happy about it. Turn off with your male family members, they are cut and know what it is. Don’t let you push, but don’t wait too long. Good luck!
I red from my own experience as I was circumcised with 16 and I am also father of sons.
Hi, I’m circumcised, but don’t want to make a recommendation. Even your father should stay back there. Even if it’s done in the family. You were with the doctor and your complaints were resolved to your satisfaction.
Just don’t understand that the urologist named you after successful treatment, three options. You’re talking about a short Frenelum.
So it wasn’t all right.
That’s why you want to think about what you do.
I am very happy to cut, but this is my personal opinion
The statement of your doctor that circumcision from the present perspective is NOT necessary is relatively clear from purely medical perspective. In addition, I would interpret it so that he gave you three ways to deal with the existing basic problem. Waiting is certainly appropriate in such a case. Why also overthrows a part of your body, even the most sensitive, simply cut off if there is no absolute need to do so.
I would recommend using the cortisone cream further at regular intervals, best daily and also for at least 10 minutes for appropriate stretching. Basically, slow masturbate and always hold a moment under painFREIER tension when you pull back the foreskin. The voltage ensures that new cells grow very slowly but constantly, increasing the tissue area. But that we have already explained your urologist in a similar way. The cortisone cream alone makes the tissue just softer, but for long-term success it is necessary that the constriction increases or widens due to increased cell formation. If you can strip your fore skin completely before and back even during erection, it goes without problems, otherwise it would be more recommended to pack the fore skin at its tip and pull it forward.
To your father, I can only say that it may be a presumably more widespread phenomenon among circumcised fathers that a subliminary envy arises. His son has something he was taken. He’s been talking his circumcision for a long time, with lustful reasons, the circumcision penis is partially heroized, but now there are you and you are not circumcised. That’s not going, it can’t be, feelings come up, which he can’t allow. This has patriarchal traits. You’re supposed to be the same as him. He doesn’t have this body part anymore, so you can’t. Perhaps this difference has become aware because your foreskin can be “healed”, perhaps it would have worked with him, but he was simply cut. The penis is emotionally very stressed, that has to do with honor, dignity, self-esteem. Frequently, affected men cannot accept their dissatisfaction about their incompleteness, they dazzle it until this door is so well closed that only positions can be accepted that circumcise the condition, lead to a better, special light.
I’m here to stress once again that I can only do mutations.
My recommendation to you. Follow your abdominal feeling if you’re not sure or you don’t want it, you shouldn’t be cut. Traditions can be broken, positions and decisions accepted. Your father will have to accept your decision if you find the power to clearly express your attitude. Your mother is asking for help. She can help you accept your decision and drop the subject.
From a hygienic point of view, nothing speaks for circumcision. The study situation here is very unclear, unambiguous, partly contrary and often very fixed to a certain (requested) result, so that no clear picture is produced. Supposing circumcision would have great health benefits, which cannot be, as the study situation would have to be much more clear, then it would still be your decision to keep your foreskin on your body. You are born with it, it fulfills some purposes and it belongs to you.
Your Frenulum can also be extended with stretching exercises, if it is only a little too short, if it is very short, very tight, or even was already torn or otherwise injured, a surgical extension of the Frenulum could be quite sensible. Do not remove it, it is the most sensitive part of your body for sexual sensations.
If you have any questions on your subject, just write to me!
Otherwise good luck, patience and success in getting your foreskin 😉
my answer has become quite buoyant… on my profile you can find some links that deal with the functions of the fore skin, with development, and circumcision.
Thanks for the detailed answer 🙂
To your father, I can only say that it may be a presumably more widespread phenomenon among circumcised fathers that a subliminary envy arises. His son has something he was taken. He has spoken his circumcision for a long time beautifully, with thready reasons the circumcision penis is partially heroized, but now there is you and you are not circumcised. That’s not going, it can’t be, feelings come up, which he can’t allow. This has patriarchal traits. You’re supposed to be the same as him. He doesn’t have this body part anymore, so you can’t.
You write a bullshit
this opinion is of course yours.
Did you tell him that you didn’t want to cut yourself?
He remains objective, but criticizes me
and now everything is not as simple as he thought, and he becomes more demanding? Is it a heated discussion topic, or is it factual and respectful? Does he make it clear in determining white that he wants to cut you?
Nee he assumed that my urologist told me that I was circumcised
did he want this before, or is it an important issue for him?
Maybe it works if you make it clear to him that it doesn’t matter what kind of circumcision-positive text he sends you, you tell him that you don’t want to miss your foreskin, even if you need another treatment. There are many healing options, even surgical, without amputating tissue. If you tell him clearly that you want to keep your foreskin because you like it, it is a part of you, whatever you feel for you and that circumcision is not an option for you, you do not want to continue this tradition because it is your body and he likes you, maybe he can drop it. If you feel like you could use backup, maybe you can talk more about it with your mother so you have an ally at home. You can quickly feel very powerless when others impose their very strong will and do not let a no apply. Don’t let yourself be undermined, try to stand up to your attitude and speak open, even if the subject is likely to be very unpleasant to discuss. You could also use this as an argument. It is a very intimate theme, and red lines you draw here are to accept it. Also from their own parents.
I personally don’t want to be circumcised and have no idea why my father wants this
very happy 🙂 please write
Don’t let your father push you. There are men who are happy with their circumcision, but also men who absolutely regret it.
Once it has happened, it can no longer be done unhealthy for the rest of your life.
So if you let it do it, then it only does if it is really your own desire and not because anyone else wants it. You have to feel comfortable with your body. Not your father.
If the doctor thinks it wouldn’t be necessary, then don’t cut you.
Leave it if it is not necessary. You can’t reverse it anymore.
Despite your father’s lack of circumcision, try the cream first and wait a bit even if it’s “tradition”
I would listen to your father, but I think you need to know.
Because I find better circumcision. There can be no more inflammation and hygiene is also better in my opinion
These inflammations are so rare in normal hygiene that circumcision is simply not possible. In exceptional cases it may be helpful, for example in advanced lichen Sclerosus, but not in any field forest and meadow inflammation, let alone as a prophylaxis. That would be completely disproportionate
But this is as rare as a lottery win
Inflammations under the pre-skin occur as inflammation can occur everywhere in the body (example white pimples), but most of the men have no difficulties with their pre-skin. Using a small group as an argument for the big whole is simply not correct. Also a cut penis can ignite.
I wrote it’s my opinion. And be glad if you had no inflammations yet
I’ve never had any inflammation, and in shower, cleaning is done in seconds. I suspect that you simply find circumcisions better on principle and only seek reasons to prove your irrational motives.
I would discuss it with Mom and Dad and balance advantages and disadvantages
There is no medical indication no advantages, so there is nothing “to balance”. If you have cut your son as a toddler, or mutilation leave,
I’m so sorry! 😔
Cutting is the worst thing you can do. You’ll need your foreskin. You can fix the pimes by slower stretching. People who advise to circumcision have little idea of penises.
The advantages and disadvantages are approximately balanced and subjective
Just wait and ignore your father largely, accept his opinion but say you want to wait
He can’t force you, only indirectly
I’d say, let it go, then you have it behind you
Being cut is not bad, on the contrary!
Do what your mother says. Decide yourself. I’d wait for you and see what you’re doing.
This is a good exercise to keep you against your father.