Mein Vater schreit mich wegrn Instagram an?

Ich bin heute mit Kopfweh aus der Schule nach Hause gekommen und konnte deswegen nicht in meinen Tanzkurs.

Mein Vater hat es mir natürlich nicht geglaubt und mich auf mein Zimmer geschickt ich hatte halt nichts zu tun und auch keine Energie für was anderes darum bin ich aus Langeweile auf Instagram und war 1,5 insgesamt am Handy also auf insta.

Bin dann duschen gegangen und als ich in mein Zimmer wollte hat mir mein Vater befohlen mich in die Küche zu setzen und hat angefangen mich zu beleidigen weil ich immer nur am Handy bin (durchschnittlich 2 Stunden pro Tag) und hat mich angefang zu beleidigen zB

“Du kleine huurentochter Gang zu deiner Mutter heulen die ist genau wie du faul und nutzlos”

Dann musste ich ins Bett und Licht löschen am neun uhr.dann hat er eine halbe Stunde lang rumgeschrien und irgendwas rumgeworfen.

Ich weiss nicht was ich tun soll

Findet ihr das normal oder reagiert er über ?

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1 year ago

I don’t know… With so little info, you can say this, but you would have to analyze the whole family situation and ask yourself several places…What does your mother say? This kind of communication is certainly not justified.

My father often insulted me when I was your age, but not without reason. Often when I was very bad at school. But this certainly does not help. I remember when he had dinner and I sat on his armchair, he could become poisonous. Even though I was only near him. I’d rather go to the room and wait until I could finally change. 🙄 My mother wasn’t much help either. She was also dead unhappy with him. The family was very divided. Each individual was interested only for himself…

Yeah, the bad phones are a typical reason. You could have solved the problem quite easily, but apparently there is no reasonable open communication among you. I didn’t even have a phone with 14 at that time. Computer time, was strictly controlled with us, but parents are often dissatisfied and disappointed by their children with or without phone. So don’t get bad. Most of them had such a past. The least have parents who really want to understand their children. Because they themselves were not understood as children. Most parents are additionally also stressed by the work and have to leave out the whole frustration of the family without them remembering it.

Be patient and focus on your future! Go to school, but not because you want to like the parents somehow, but so you have freedom to move out and you can live your life! Learn to take responsibility. Regarding social media and screen time. Do it for you.
Keep this for you too… Just be patient until you become full-year.



1 year ago

The expression of your father is not at all, but the reason why he is mad at you is understandable.

No one wants his children to only search on the phone all day and show no discipline and no perseverance.

Try to convince him you’re not lazy.

1 year ago

So, whether it was a good decision to be on the phone with headaches for so long, I’ll leave it open, you’ll have to decide for yourself. That your father might have thought you lied to him and didn’t want to dance, could of course have led him to get mad. This is understandable for the first time.

But if he really insulted you so much, with such anti-social and really nasty words, that is really the last. Apparently, he has any aggression problems. If you were my neighbor, and I could have got this, I would have contacted the police and the youth office. I don’t think it’s a psychic abuse.

1 year ago

If I had brought this to your age, my parents would have been quite upset.

and NO! I wasn’t an angel either. but on the idea, I would not have come to shining my club activities because of headaches and then to lean on the phone, which, by the way, does not make the carp pain better.

Like your father with you, and probably with your mother, it’s not like that!

1 year ago

Yeah, sorry, but have headaches that you can’t do, and then hang 1 1/2 hours completely pointless on your phone and watch “Insta”… that doesn’t fit together. So I understand your father’s mad.

1 year ago

Both not right:

Your behavior isn’t right.

But his behavior isn’t right.

1 year ago

Normally your father’s behavior isn’t. You might think he’s very young.

1 year ago
Reply to  miya3

Some people I know don’t put their phone out of hand. They also come to nix because they’re the most time on their phone. If you don’t, I don’t understand his reaction. Maybe he just got a bad day. I don’t know how he’s on it.

1 year ago
Reply to  miya3
