Mein Vater schlägt mich weil ich mein Zimmer schon seit Wochen nicht aufgeräumt habe?
Ich hab da so ein Problem
es ist gerade 03:28 in der Nacht und ihr müsst wissen wir schlafen zusammen in einem Zimmer aufjedenfall meine Schwester ist so ein Mensch die wird schnell aggressiv und hat wenig gedullt Vorallem jetzt so den letzen Monaten habe ich das extrem bemerkt wie oben man sieht die Uhrzeit hat sie mich mitten in der Nacht angeschrien und gesagt das ich mein Händy leiser machen soll was ich auch gemacht habe aber sie hat nicht aufgehört zu schreien und dann hat sie gesagt warum ich nicht „unser“ Zimmer aufgeräumt habe ich meinte daraufhin sei leise wenn mein Vater uns hört du weißt was er macht und wie es passieren musste sie hat weiter geschrien und mein Vater ist gekommen er was richtig sauer warum wir um diese Uhrzeit schrein uns streiten mein Vater ist auf mich los gegagen und hat mich geschlagen dann ist er auf meine Schwester hat sie auch geschlagen dann hat er die Klamotten die auf den Boden waren auf mich geworfen und er hat ein Regenschirm genommen und mich damit geschlagen erst mal mich und dann meine Schwester am Ende wollte er sogar ein Stuhl auf mich werfen was er auch gemacht hat ich weine die ganze Zeit und am Ende haben wir es aufgeräumt und meine Schwester meinte er sei alles meine Schuld gewesen
Sounds like a normal evening from my childhood. Only that my brother and I had separate rooms, but have always fought us and my father has (exclusively) threatened. In a teenager’s age he came to a home for hard-educated children. (My brother has done criminal things in the end, and my father just didn’t know how to deal with him)
Ultimately, it was the best that could happen to my brother, because what my father did was unforgivable and it was sometimes much worse than just an assful… To some extent so traumatic that I still have nightmares of it, even if I’ve never been beaten. But living with it is just as cruel.
So I can advise you to contact the youth office. I’m sure it’s not a easy way, but if it’s so bad, something has to be done before you break it and get on the wrong track.
Believe me this has happened
Then they should have taken certain measures. They have to.
If this is true, your physical integrity in this environment is massively endangered. Please talk to someone you trust with someone from school, parents of friends, trusted people. Or turn directly to the youth office, join in to need and choose the 110 will be helped with you.
There is no reason to throw his children with objects, your father probably has serious problems
you all need to know all those who will read this is not the only thing my father has done and my mother is not so innocent
Believe me talking doesn’t bring anything I’ve already brought the police this has made it worse he hit me with everything
Yes he has serious problems because he doesn’t know how to raise children properly and that’s just like my fucking mother for years.
Put your room up and don’t cries around at night, that helps everyone.
Probably your father works during the day and doesn’t want to be provoked at night by your cuckoo war and the handylar, which is very understandable.
I don’t want any children like this who run at night and want to blame someone else.
Treating parents as people is of course desirable and necessary.
Bullshit arguments don’t intercept.
No, don’t listen to that bullshit, there’s nothing “ok”
Hey, there’s No GREEN to do violence, especially not children. He is a perpetrator and his children are the victims
I know exactly how this is and because everyone here will write now go to the youth office or this. No, no, no, no, no, no. Finding alternatives that you’re less at home since I have a minijob I’m barely at home and therefore automatically escape this whole stress. Build life outside or go out a lot with friends, sleep with friends, go party with friends, go work this. Simply search ways to avoid your family and get out of the way
Thanks to you I know what you mean I did this some time too and it didn’t like him because I did what I wanted him to be so a person when he notices that he no longer has control over me he beats me
continue until he has given up hope in you and hardly wants to talk to yourself
After 22 a.m. no noise will help so that the family can sleep.
Make yourself as good as it is or scream for help that listen to it in the cronjuwels kick boxes and otherwise hair pull beating chic screams next door help and go to a public place and call someone and tell him to come quickly you are in danger.
The questioner’s report clearly shows that the girls are running after midnight and that they call the father to the plan.
Whoever drives the elders to the white glut should not write here that he is treated unfairly.
Inherent at half 4 nights, the girls should get into the advice.
This is illegal and prohibited by law
To sharpen the parents is the bottom drawer.
Find an instance that can help you to not turn to caritas or local psychologists or also the jugendamt
There is a telephone consultation, which means “number against grief”. They know about such situations.
I also know only my “love 3 step siblings” were always his angels. No matter what I’ve always done. That even went as far as he tried me three times to kill me.
How old are you and your sister? What about your mother?
Please find professional help. Youth Office, police, otherwise also teachers you may trust.
No one can beat you, no parent!
My mother was just saying that she just hit her like that, she just looked at her, and she didn’t say anything to my father that he could beat me
So my dear, you’ll think I’ll read in each of these answers, but you have to mention that what your father does is pretty illegal. If someone hears this from the Youth Office, he will be deprived of custody more quickly than he can blink. Unfortunately, your question is missing, but your situation is already enough. That’s why you should ask if you want to live like that forever or maybe turn to someone who can help you with your family business more professionally, because you don’t deserve that.
My father has done so many things my God others would lose the mind I hate my father over everything I am full-year and have already been decided to move to my own apartment after my training
Then you have 2 options, either, you prefer to move it as quickly as possible with the withdrawal after training or you already take initiative beforehand and report your father so that your silence or other siblings do not have to sustain this terror. Honestly, I would have stayed quiet in your place because I wouldn’t dare to “petuate” him, but maybe you’re more willing than I am
People who have to endure such a bad thing are by no means weak. But the oppression creates disguise.
Believe me there I am as weak as you know my father best and know how he is if he is mad he doesn’t even know his mother he is all he cares he beats me when he wants and because of my siblings this is all net of you but you think I haven’t done anything my father is years so to me years he treats me like dirt even roads children are better treated
Even if the behavior of your parents is the lowest drawer, you should keep your room in order with 19 years and not rehearse a loud rise in the middle of the night. Your previous questions also show that your parents have quite different problems with you.
As I said, wanting to praise the behavior of your parents with punching problems is grottenfalsch, but maybe you should put a little bit on your own nose and not give up the sex-eaten renitente daughter.
I wonder your parents haven’t taken your phone off yet. After completion of your training, you can take off and do what you like.
I don’t understand why the parents are due when the daughter runs at night and steals the family of sleep.
At the third such incident, the full-year-old randaling daughter would have been thrown out, then rest and everything is good.