Mein Vater schlägt mich aber hat Depressionen?

Ich bin 14 und mein Vater schlägt mich ab und zu und schreit mich an, wenn es nicht nach seinem Kopf geht, so wie gerade eben. Er mag mich zwar und verwendet den Satz “Ich hab dich Lieb” (Selten) aber hat depressionen. Ich kenne mich in dem Bereich nicht aus und weiß nicht ob das damit zsammenhängt und ich habe angst vor ihm. Meine Mutter stimmt ihn auch immer in streits zu obwohl sie garnicht da war worum es in den streits geht. hilfe

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1 year ago

Please call the phone number 116111 (number against grief) or write a message to the online consultation There you can tell without saying who and where you are, what is and ask what to do. You can definitely be helped.

It’s important that you take care of it and don’t just let it happen.

When you turn to the Youth Office, you will not be taken directly from the family, but it will be helped by the family when it goes.

You’re not guilty and you can be helped.

1 year ago

Disease does not justify violence. If he doesn’t feel good, he won’t let you make life hell. Yeah, it’s him who loves you and still has mistakes. And also that he’s sick and still has other mistakes. It’s still not possible for him to beat you. Something has to be done. You don’t have to do it alone. Can help you. And that also applies to dealing with depressive relatives. So, pretty much all who are in the same situation are struggling. There are, for example, good self-help groups and, in fact, an advisory and conversation offer in every city. Like online help.

1 year ago

Turn to the youth office.

1 year ago

If you don’t stop it, I’d go to the youth office or to a teacher. You have to expect to be taken from the family.