my father almost hits my mother?
Well, I'll make it short. I'm 15 and my father smashed a saucepan on my head. My mother dragged him away and he was gone for a while. He came back at some point. My mother said she was only living under the same roof with him because of my little sister, which was all well and good, but a week later he almost hit my mother. He almost threw a table at my mother and my mother screamed for help. I rushed over to him with a butter knife and told him not to touch my mother. He freaked out, but my mother held him back. After that, they continued to insult each other and argue about a robbery that is still unknown and was probably caused by my father, but that's just my mother's suspicions. I'm asking for urgent help.
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Wenn dein Vater sich nicht bald ändern, würde ich empfehlen, schnellstmöglich die Polizei zu rufen, um Schlimmeres zu verhindern!
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Sag deiner Mutter, dass es für sie, dich und deiner kleinen Schwester besser ist, ohne Vater friedlich und sicher zu leben statt in einem Zuhause, wo oft nur Gewalt und Streit herrschen.
Das ist auf Dauer nicht gut für die psychische Gesundheit!
Weder für deine Schwester, noch für deine Mutter und dich!
Wünsche euch viel Glück und Gottes Beistand!
Das ist eine sehr spannende Story. Bitte mehr davon.
Wenn das war sein sollte… Würde ich einen Familientherapeuten aufsuchen.
Kauff dir einen schnuller für die nacht, das wird dich beruhigen vertrau mir. Obwohl es für kleine kinder sind, aber kaif dir einen schnuller und dann denk an etwas schönes und dann wirst du bestimmt bessser schlafen können. Bitte vertraue mir. Ich meine es ernst. Ich mache das auch und es klappt. Aber sonnst würde ich die Polizei anrufen oder die Nachbarn allamieren
Should your sister grow up in fear, or what is the reason?
Aggressive actions do not go away, on the contrary: they are getting worse and worse. Speak absolutely blunt and honestly with your school social worker. If you don’t have one, see if there’s a detention center of AWO, Caritas or Diakonie with you. You can also trust the employees there.
It’s a little hard to understand, but when you’re upset, it’s not that easy.
let us summarize:
for me this sounds like:
you need help, and indeed ALL! is not mean evil, but you will also have to process some things.
Lg, Nicki
Sets save lives. And make fairy tales more legible.
What? I don’t understand your question, and I don’t know why you’re doing such a theater.
If you want to protect your mom, do martial sports
But apparently your father has never beaten your mother after all these years.
If you like your father, support him. Seems like he’s got a problem when he doesn’t have a grff at the time.