Mein Vater ist rückfällig?

Hallo ich bin 15 und mein Vater war 2003 laut ihm Alkoholiker, er hat zwischendurch einmal im Jahr getrunken

Seit 3 Tagen trinkt er jetzt 2 Flaschen klaren am Tag und ich sehe zu wie es ihm Tag für Tag mehr kaputt macht

Er trinkt laut eigenen Angaben weil er mit meiner Mutter Streit hat , es ihm Gesundheitlich schlecht geht und dazu kommt daß ich andauernd Stress mit der Staatsmacht habe

Er hat COPT und kann wenig laufen bzw gehen und wenn dann bekommt er schlecht Luft

Gestern und heute kommt er kaum die Treppe hoch bzw runter , man versteht ihn nicht aufgrund seiner Alkoholisierung wenn er spricht .

Ich habe das Gefühl das es nun ein schlimmes Ende gibt weil er trinkt immer mehr Tag für Tag

Am liebsten würde ich ihn einweisen lassen in die geschlossene

Ich weiß ich bin erst 15 aber ich will irgendwie helfen

Vielleicht kennt ihr obdachlose Alkoholiker aus einer Doku denen es schlecht geht und genau so ist es gerade

Ich bin verzweifelt und könnte nur noch heulen

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1 year ago


Nacoa offers a free anonymous chat every Tuesday at 6:00 for young people who have an alcoholic parent. Come on. offers-round-the-thema-kinder-aus-suchtfamilie

1 year ago

Hi, I’m so sorry to hear. Does your mother mind? He really needs to get help, but it is, of course, difficult to let his own father introduce. You have to think about that, but there are many other options. Or you can get help from someone else and trust someone. Maybe other family meds or teachers? Then you could find a way together.

I hope you and your father will be better and you can help him.

1 year ago

that I have constant stress with the state power

If you’re serious, you can change that point.

Then you see if this is just an excuse or an actual reason.

And what you can do? For example, if he alcoholizes car drives show him. Then he can’t get his stuff without any problems.

And if you still find something about Alk in the house, it’s all over.

1 year ago
Reply to  Asporc
  1. But he can do a lot
  2. Dropping does not solve the problem
1 year ago
Reply to  PinkLady1001

Which is why it might have been the last set. Could that be?

1 year ago

Without the person’s insight, your possibilities are limited.

You can also try talking to the dealers that they should not sell anything alcoholic to your father, but that usually doesn’t work.

You can report to the youth office and say you can’t look at it that you should get away from your father.

If you have “lust” on many forms you can try a forced instruction in a closed department of your father. That’s why the wording “not what you would like.”

All in all, you can make it harder to get to the Alk and dispose of it.

Probably letting the youth office take away the most sensual.

1 year ago

You should inform yourself about alcohol sickness. What you write is typical of people who have absolutely no idea of this bad disease.

1 year ago

So make the alki as easy as possible? Doesn’t seem plausible to me.

1 year ago

For every bottle you tip off, the alcoholic buys 10 new bottles.

1 year ago

Like what you can do, you won’t like it.

If you prefer to live with the guilt because you didn’t do anything, that’s your decision.

Only I promise you they’ll have you. So either act or guilt.

1 year ago

Tell him if he’s an alcoholic, he’s either supposed to make a withdrawal, or instead drink beer, that’s by far not as harmful as schnapps, or wine, and also makes drunk.

1 year ago

Too bad the marijuana is not yet legal, that would certainly be a far better alternative for many than alcohol.

1 year ago

He doesn’t want to drink white he wants to be drunk as quickly as possible.

1 year ago

He will!

1 year ago
  • Telephone
  • doctor consult and explain zb doctor
  • Contact self-help groups for alcoholics
  • Contact psychologists for addiction problems
  • Clinics for alcohol sick Contact
1 year ago

No, so you help your father