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It is not a healthy amount, taken by itself but not sufficient to be able to diagnose a dependency.
Alcoholism is clearly defined medically. Read here: “Alcoholism”, consumption/alcoholism/
How else is home? Are you all right or are there any problems? Please contact adults if you don’t feel good or your situation at home is unbearable. You can be your teacher or your family doctor. Contact points are also available online or by phone.
“Help for children & teenagers in emergencies”, Krisen-und-konflikt/hilfe-kinder-jugendliche-notlagen
Your comments read as if it was a unique one. Or is your father negatively changed in being and you suffer? If this is the case, you could get some help here: offers-round-the-thema-kinder-aus-suchtfamilie
If he doesn’t do it regularly?
But 12 is generally a little bit much.
He didn’t drink beer long ago.
If it’s an exception, it’s bad for now. He shouldn’t do it all the time.
6 liters are already a lot, but there are people who just get a lot. Much more important is how often he drink, how good he has his drinking behavior under control and how he reacts to criticism of his drinking.
Rarely he drink in the year.
Size: 12 Kölsch = 2.4 liters
12 wheat = 6 litres
I don’t know 0.5 liter.
This is definitely about thirsty!
That’s a lot, and if he didn’t drink a long time ago, it could be alcohol poisoning, that would be at least the 3 promille.
When? In the last 12 months? Then it’s not that bad….
He used to be
But too much.