Mein Tinitus hört nicht auf?

Seit jetzt Jahren ist er da. Immer dieses Piepen. Ich möchte irgendwie meinen Druck abbauen, den dieses Geräusch erzeugt. Aber es ist ja permanent. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich gegensteuern soll. Ist glaube ich aus Stress entstanden, den mir ganz bestimmte Personen angetan haben. Sollte ich meinen Druck an Ihnen auslassen? Mein gutes Leben ist weg.

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5 months ago

In the case of acute ear noises, depending on the tinnitus cause, medicines, tinnitus counseling or relaxation procedures can help. If no negotiable physical cause is recognizable, Neck-Nasen-Ohren doctors usually use drugs in the form of infusions or tablets. treatment

5 months ago

Our uncle had it. He stopped it. You have to try everything and mainly relax.

I wish you the best!

5 months ago

You were already with the doctor…you can treat tinnitus…also very well with herbal medicines.

Revenge thoughts should be forgotten quickly, that will not help you.

5 months ago

I had tinnitus myself and it’s gone. It took a long time, but of course you have to go to the doctor with something like this… it is clear that it is curable, there are patients who have it for a very long time, but you should not leave anything unintentional.


5 months ago

If you don’t treat a tinnitus in time, he never goes away again.