Mein Sohn lehnt mich vermehrt ab, wie geht man damit am besten um?

Im Titel steht ja schon die Frage. Mein Sohn, 2 Jahre, in etwas mehr als 3 Monaten wird er 3, lehnt mich seit einigen Wochen vermehrt ab. Sauber machen, Zähne putzen, Schlafanzug anziehen, zu Bett bringen, alles soll die Mama machen, ich bin gerade gut genug für Spaß und Spielereien.

Ich hab bereits gelesen dass das kein Einzelphänomen ist, es ist doch aber sehr irritierend. Hinzu kommt, dass er wenn ich mit ihm alleine bin er wesentlich leichter zu handhaben ist und auch mehr hört.

Was könnt ihr mir raten?

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5 months ago

The self-determination of the child definitely accepts, he has his own feeling life that he begins to express.

I can understand that you feel deferred, but children must also learn and decide for themselves.

And if he’s already dressing up with 3 on his own, it’s not bad.

He doesn’t always have to hear, isn’t a dog. Not too much to guard and not allow everything find ne healthy middle.

5 months ago

This is really completely normal, that makes my little one (will soon be 2) at the moment. That’s what’s going on, believe me. Just enjoy the good moments and, otherwise, let Mama do the rest of the work. 😜

5 months ago

It’s normal. Wait, it’s changing.

5 months ago
Reply to  mattheo1989

Yes that changes again and again

5 months ago
Reply to  mattheo1989

first child? he is becoming more active. Note up to about 10 now I’m running around phase.

5 months ago

To respect it.

Can be different again. Many things make these things particularly fun with the mama.

I’m just good enough for fun and games.

That’s the way the kids bond with their fathers. Where the mama is more to cuddle and comfort. Is the papa for play and fun there.

It’s not worth anything less.

It’s the same with me. Our 5-year-old game better with me than with the mama. But if this is about cuddling, the mama is more of the contact partner.

In addition, if I am alone with him, he is much easier to handle and also hears more.

That’s normal after my view. It’s the same with us. The reason for this can be that he has no alternatives. And yet never has to decide between someone, etc. Even because there is less social chaos. e.g., you’re less likely to talk to anyone if he wants attention. etc.

5 months ago

That’s normal. The child may decide to whom it wants. You’ll have to bite in the sour apple. But that changes again! And soon no one needs it, as it wants to become more independent, also completely normal. Always support your child, it will be very grateful to you! LG Antonia w/12

5 months ago

The mother is clearly his reference, as you are probably less likely. Promise with your wife that you take over a certain task that is pleasant to your child (e.g. going to the playground) alone. Then you are the magic papa that enchants a playground