Mein Sohn, 14 Jahre, will nicht mehr zum Zahnarzt?
Hallo, mein Sohn ist 14 Jahre alt und will nicht mehr zum Zahnarzt gehen. Er war und ist schon immer ein schlechter Zähneputzer..aber wenigstens ging er noch mit zum Zahnarzt und zur Zahnreinigung. Aber seit den letzten Monaten will er Beides nicht mehr und wehrt sich dagegen..Er hat jetzt am hinteren Backenzahn ein großes Loch..weil er auch keine Zähne mehr putzen will..
Er hat entweder keine Lust, oder keine Zeit..also immer andere “Ausreden”..
Wie bekomme ich ihn zum Zahnarzt? Wie kann ich ihn überreden? Der Zahnarzt ist sehr gut und betreut uns schon, seit er 3 Jahre alt ist..
Bilder zeigen von schlechten Zähnen, mit ihm darüber reden, habe ich alles schon versucht..Es interessiert ihn nicht..
In most children, doctor visits of all kinds are nothing that triggers enthusiasm, which, of course, is usually worse in puberty than better. Whether it is the half-year visits to the dentist, a preventive examination or a simple vaccination date. From a certain age, as a parent, it becomes really difficult then in puberty.
With 14 you should be able to bring the junior to the dental branch. A B E R, in contrast to a non-perceptible other health care services at the pediatrician, in my own experience the negligence with toothaches is then quickly or quickly. So if it is not possible at all to bring him to the dentist without it being out of your home, only to wait until he learns through pain himself that the path is wrong.
Unfortunately, these often have young people and sometimes this is still moving into adulthood.
If he doesn’t care about his teeth, he won’t just get pain, but then all the teeth have to go out gradually, because they’re just completely destroyed by the caries. Whether he still doesn’t want to brush teeth with the view of spiced and soup. Not to mention the coming pain.
I’d try to talk to him in conscience. The damage will always be sweeter; and it will be more and more complicated to repair it. with several appointments is truly no fun. Best make a dental cleaning and then an assessment of what should be done or which damages are already present.
If we didn’t let him go through, no pocket money, house arrest, if possible, shut down cell phone contract etc
Bad teeth make mouth odor and girls don’t like a mouth odor and no lazy teeth.
I’d drop that as a comment. Otherwise, I see it like Maja, he’ll have to find out for himself.
With girls I’ve already said nothing.
Probably he has to find out how unpleasant it is.
You mean when the pain goes off?
Right, you have bad cards now. Whatever you do, he won’t want to do it.
Exactly, press him;-) Only sweet when he brushes his teeth. Doesn’t he think that, strictly no more sweetness.
Yes, hopefully, then I don’t buy candy anymore and try to brush teeth every day.
It’s not going to be broken as fast. Let’s hope he comes to reason and is forced to the doctor by the pain.
Then you can also say that if there is a greater treatment due to the negligence in cleaning, he himself has to come up for it.
Okay, I’ve paid so much money and done and done that he has beautiful teeth and now everything is broken..The dentist himself said last time, too bad, you don’t cleanse, and has finished the treatment..