Mein Pferd hat schwarze Krusten am Hinterbein. Was könnte das sein?

hey, mein Pferd hat so schwarze Krusten am Hinterbein. Das Fell drum herum ich weiß. Es ist nicht dick und juckt auch nicht. Trotzdem mache ich mir gedanken. Er wurde auch vor ca. 6 wochen operiert. Keine ahnung ob das damit zusammen hängen würde. Ich mache mir einfach nur gedanken, da ich nicht weiß was es ist

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2 years ago

a horse is beaten and has problems with getting up.

If the horse shouldn’t be beaten, then it’s alarming, I’ll tell you.

these are daily ever new scrap injuries from slipping away while standing up or unable to stand up during the first attempt.

first aid – to the horse at the back, before one goes to flee, or it goes through standing on the wavy. the ripening of the swath means immediate euthanasia.

to draw a veterinarian, backhand and back diagnostics, saddles, teeth and censor.

I’ve magnified the picture to the maximum, and I’m looking everywhere fissures, decanting and shaving. if you haven’t seen it yet – it’s swollen. In addition, by continuing minimal injuries, a mushroom may also have settled or there are viruses in the skin. in bacteria would have been finito.

veterinarian must come.


and thank you for your nice promotions to answer the previous ones. ironie off.

I rarely answer these people more often than twice – the first and last time.

2 years ago

These are old grieves that are already going down – you usually get along before they fall down. Don’t go leg, and that’s why it’s only noticed when it’s coming up? The question is where they come from. Parasites? Bacteria? Mushroom stories? Old injury… because depending on whether the cause exists or not, so that the skin can also recover and doesn’t come back.

There are so people who investigate this more often and can judge it in their practices under the microscope. Call veterinarian because they have such a medical study for animals.

2 years ago

Can have many causes :

  • spleen
  • Skin
  • Fly eggs – yes, there are already…
  • old wounds that have snared themselves etc… The regrowth hair is then sometimes white – as after a saddle pressure on the resist…

The veterinarian could investigate a smear of it under the microscope – then he can first provide a diagnosis to design the correct treatment…

Good improvement for your horse!

2 years ago

Ask the vet.