Mein Packet steckt fest, was heißt das?
Hallo mein Name ist Celina und ich habe vor 1 Monat was bei Aliexpress bestellt(Aus China halt) Jedoch hab ich eben gelesen dass dort steht, dass mein Packet länger als 14 Tage feststeckt. Was ist damit gemeint? Die letzte Information war, dass es mit dem Flugzeug unterwegs sei.
Hello Celina823,
that means simply that your package has been pulled out of the delivery in some warehouse or in customs. Usually the package comes a little later. In your case, that means that your package is already in this place for 14 days and cannot be sent/willed. Just wait or cancel your order.
luxury car fan
As soon as the package arrives in Germany (or in the EU), a customs check will take place. Usually this takes 2-4 weeks after arrival in the country.
you have already received a letter from the customs, you have to pay the import tax, over 150€ also customs. the goods are handed out.
or get the bill about the destruction and the rightholder, uiuiuiui, that will be expensive for you
Why is it going to be expensive for me? I don’t have to pay, and my pack has cost only 10€.