Mein Moped läuft sehr heiß, Kühlsystem kaputt?

Mein Moped wird extrem heiß: 2 Min im Stand warmlaufen lassen: Früher: Rückschlagventil vom Sekundärluftsystem Leise, Motor Mittelwarm (Normal) 2 Min im Stand warmlaufen lassen: Rückschlagventil vom Sekundärluftsystem klaggert, Motor nicht mehr anfassbar. Ich vermute die Kühlung ist irgendwie defekt (Wasserkühlung) Was kann ich tun, damit es wieder läuft?

Info: Yamaha wr 125r 30.000 Km 4 Takt

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7 years ago

Could also be that it draws off-air and accordingly the mixture is too lean.

Or the mixture is too lean for another reason.

First of all, you should undo everything you’ve changed, and secondly consider what work steps you might have caused in the intake area or in the exhaust. And be it a reused elbow seal or not sufficiently tightened elbow nuts (which naturally does not want to tear off the stud bolts).

7 years ago

If you don’t want to do that, I’d like to check out what might be on

7 years ago

Secrettip: You could refill water.

7 years ago
Reply to  bestman1234


7 years ago

Water pump defective

7 years ago

Open the lid of the cooler and see if there is enough cooler water if not fill something, and see if it works again. If there is enough cooler water or if it has not brought to completion, I would go to the dealer 🙂