Mein letzter Job bis ans Lebensende?

Ich habe nach der 9. Klasse auf dem Gymnasium die Schule mit einem Hauptschulabschluss abgebrochen weil mir das alles zu viel wurde und eine Ausbildung angefangen in einem Beruf der mich nicht interessiert 🙈

Seit dem Ende der Ausbildung, also ungefähr mit 19 Jahren, habe ich immer irgendwo als Produktionsmitarbeiter in Schichtbetrieben gearbeitet und war da auch Recht glücklich – einfache Arbeit für gutes Geld…

Nun bin ich Mitte 40 und in meiner aktuellen Firma läuft es nicht mehr so gut. Ich möchte als dort weg bevor ich in die Situation einer Kündigung komme und will mich zudem beruflich neu orientieren. Bin generell für alles offen, habe aber Höhenangst und will keinen Schichtdienst mehr machen.

Was sind so typische Berufe die man auch ohne spezielle Ausbildung machen kann und wo man mindestens 2000€ bis 2500€ (Netto) verdient? Ausser im Pflegebereich fällt mir nichts ein, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob meine Gehaltsvorstellungen dort realistisch sind 🤔

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2 months ago

What are so typical professions that you can do without special training and where you can
at least: 2000€ to 2500€?

Everybody. The minimum wage is currently around €12.50, which (at 40h) results in about €2200-2300 a month – and is therefore fully within your desired framework.

With the salary ideas, you can take carelessly any job (especially any for unskilled workers) offered without having to be afraid that you deserve less than desired. So you have free choice.

Good luck.

1 month ago
Reply to  MertIs

Read, understand, then write. The FS with the NETTO!

1 month ago
Reply to  Halbammi

“Read, understand, then write” – yes, please, take this to heart. I quoted the question in my answer – you see, you would have read it, compared the quote with the question of the FS, and understood it: The FS has completed this with the “NETTO” only afterwards…

Always badly arrogant and declining to mourn something – and to expose yourself…

1 month ago

Then I apologise for it, unfortunately, nowhere can it be seen when it was changed. It doesn’t ask me in any way, because your answer wasn’t right.

2 months ago

You can also report to the Employment Agency in an unannounced position and inform you accordingly about possibilities in a personal conversation.

Under certain circumstances, further training or retraining may also be considered.

2 months ago

As an unskilled force, you can easily earn your desired salary in care. But as you can certainly think, you can also work there in shiftwork and in general it is of course much more strenuous than in production.

2 months ago
Reply to  Bunnery

Net is always dependent on several factors that are not known here in your specific case. So, for example, tax class, number of children, church tax, health insurance.

With us in the facility, the unskilled helpers get 3050€ gross salary. In addition, there are additional supplements such as interlayer, weekend and supplements.

What it would mean for you can be calculated in a gross net calculator on the Internet.

1 month ago
  1. Unrecognized will not get your salary preferences if they do not find a JOb in a collective farm, e.g. in chemistry.
  2. I’d tell you about a resignation. If you’ve been in the company for a long time, you’ll probably have a good deal with a termination of the AG.
2 months ago

Continue and continue and earn more money 🙂

1 month ago
Reply to  Bunnery

I’m 43 and I’m training. You can’t find anything after that.

2 months ago
Reply to  Bunnery

That’s bullshit.

Continuing or continuing training is not an age issue.

1 month ago

If you expect someone to train you net for 2500€, you won’t find anything. Then you have to stay an assistant and hope that the company is always well.

1 month ago

Eye optics / hearing acoustics

1 month ago

that’s nonsense. My last apprentice was 48 at the beginning of the apprenticeship

2 months ago

There are employers who value life-experienced employees.

Maybe it’s time to find something like that.

But nothing is impossible… I’m out now.