Mein leben ist so BEHINDERT, weil ich nicht reich bin oder nicht an ein leben nach dem tod glaube, oder ängste habe oder so, keine ahnung?

Ich kriege irgendwie nichts zu stande, weil ich ans sterben und tod nachdenken muss und das depremiert mich und dann habe ich auch nicht viel geld um auf weltreise oder so zu gehen und ich habe auch ängste meine ziele in die tat umzusetzen…

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1 month ago

In any case, we can get to know our heavenly Father and his will/heartedness better because this means comfort and promise for a better future. – Psalm 1:1-3 – Happy is the man who does not follow the advice of evil and does not enter the path of sinners and is not sitting with spods. 2Rather, he has joy in the law of Jehovah and reads day and night with a quiet voice in it 3He will be like a tree planted on water streams, a tree that bears fruit at its time and its foliage does not cry. And everything he does will succeed.

1 month ago

Okay, let’s take rich people, are they really happy? No, you know why?

Because they can only live for their money from a certain amount, they have no life outside the money.

I wouldn’t be compelling to be positively titled as there are enough places where there is far more crappy than with us.

Clearly other places can be exciting, but it is also just the life of people.

It’s just enough for me to chew videos with such landscapes. Did zb yesterday or so Japangirls found that I think they make Shamisen isn music genre and for that they show real landscapes from Japan in the videos. This, for example, is enough for me as a cultural experience.

Because I experience a kind of life from somewhere else, though not directly life.

For example, I was traveling in Germany for a while. It was not compelling now.

And with the fears it helps to say that I am dying anyway, whether I’m afraid or not, so I prefer to live now.

1 month ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu


1 month ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

Shamisen, that’s the instrument they use.

1 month ago
Reply to  Kiskenz

Ah thank you had already searched the name XD, but believe shamisen is now also the title for the genre with the instrument. ‘Reine guess xD ‘music genre are eh funny titled xD

1 month ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

my answer was deleted without reason?

I don’t care
and it would be good to believe in yourself
that makes you realize and live out his skills

I think you have no idea of vibration if all your answers are just a provucation
personal attacks
what are these also for arguments
I don’t think you understand
that is not a argument – that is provocation

but good
have no instinct to talk to you
if your argumentative sense is not traceable

1 month ago
Reply to  Janky6

I wish you a lot of light and you can understand what I mean at some point.

Your answer was pure esoteric, which is why I actually reported it, as it was absolutely insane for this question.

1 month ago

I don’t delete anything here, I reported it, the team of GUTEFRAGE decided that your answer is not okay.

1 month ago

No problem, yes, there are already crazy titles everywhere.

1 month ago

ahh jah was clear

someone smiles self-due of which she knows everything better
and provides 0 arguments no logik no content

you are talking
I know it better than you and then you report my comment

that was a psychic
no esoteric

my god
ignorant and arrogant
is the most recurring form of self-representation
you are perfect – and just ignore any logic
I’m gonna get it

I also wish you all the best so you don’t go to the bag without helping anyone

I think your answer is brutally primitive
that naturally solves all problems
compare with rich and then look yb videos of nature

and for that you will delete my answer?
who hath sung you into the brain”” you can decide what the right answer is and what esoteric bullsh*t?

my god
ignorant and arrogant
as I said the most reverent combi
get a real abstract from you as a human xDD

I will not answer your reply
That’s me.

1 month ago

Just make a plan. And see that you do what you do with full use so that it will be something.

1 month ago

You could start saving to make you some more expensive. However, you don’t have to spend massive money to live a beautiful life. Go to the things you have. There are some others living much worse than you.

1 month ago

Don’t say that. Be glad you’re not really obsessed.

So now to your “problem” then you become rich, take your life in your hand and do something about it, you are a little late but you can still do it.

My life’s purpose is to live in the Beverly Hills, and I’ll do that.

and as Aristotle once said, you can’t change the wind, but you can put the sails differently.

1 month ago

First and foremost, you have to believe in yourself

Do you have to make a world trip?

You don’t have to be rich to achieve your goals

And that awaits death at the end of our lives we all know that I don’t have to break my head for life

Faith in yourself

Every case,jed negative experience makes you stronger

1 month ago

You seem dead inside.

1 month ago
Reply to  VicerDez

vllt can help you this video

the psyche is explained very well together + some solutions go 4 hours is interview.

1 month ago
Reply to  VicerDez

Dezombify you. Make a conscious decision to enjoy life.

1 month ago
Reply to  VicerDez

Get out of the fresh air instead of hoking in front of the PC for hours.

1 month ago

If you don’t believe in a life after death as I think you just have a life then make it as great as it goes clear sometimes fuck but still much too short to get around with stupid shit

1 month ago

I feel deep anger and dissatisfaction within you.

Keep trying for a therapy.

1 month ago

Well, then change what.