Mein kleiner Bruder hat gesehen, dass ich Discord habe! Was tun?
Als ich in den Einstellungen war und die Caches von meinen Apps löschen wollte, bin ich auf Discord gegangen und hab’, so schnell wie möglich, den Cache gelöscht! Dann hat mein kleiner Bruder es gesehen, und hat, so laut er kann, gepetzt
MAMA mein großer Bruder hat Discord
Ich hab gesagt:
Nein, was lügst du, das war WhatsApp
Meine Mutter war misstrauisch und hat es fast geglaubt, dieses mal jedoch nicht!
Was tue ich, wenn mir das noch mal passiert? Was soll ich dann bitte für eine Ausrede verwenden? Bitte helft mir dabei..
Discord is nothing bad about itself, trying to explain to your mother that it is actually the same as Whats app. If you’ve had problems with your mother about Discord before, you’d have to say something differently.
Why don’t you use this discord, what’s your mother’s mind?
To convince your mother that you consciously and responsibly deal with your data on Discord, you could take the following steps:
1. **Declaration:**
Tell your mother what discord is and how you use it. Check the functions, security measures and privacy settings.
Two. **show data protection settings:**
– Demonstrate that Discord offers various data protection settings that allow you to control what information you share and who has access to it.
3. **Use keywords:**
– Show that you use secure passwords and regularly update them to protect your account from unauthorized access.
4. **Two-factor authentication (2FA):**
– Activate the two-factor authentication on your Discord account to further increase security and explain how this provides additional protection.
Five. ** Use of private servers:**
– If you first or join private servers on Discord, explain that you are looking to join only trusted groups and how you perceive privacy within these servers.
6. **Responsible handling of personal information:**
– Concrete that you are cautious, not sharing personal information easily with others and watching who has access to which data.
7. **Examples from practice:**
– Show practical examples of how you consciously deal with your data. This could include deactivating location information, customizing privacy settings and similar.
8. **For caution:**
Ensure your mother that you will handle your data responsibly, and that you understand their concerns. Show understanding of their concerns and be willing to respect their rules.
Through a transparent communication and the pointing of practical measures, you may be able to gain your mother’s trust and communicate that you are responsible about your data on Discord.
Because then someone can kidnap you or I’ll buy you this I’ll buy you this
Hi, you know.
If possible, try to explain to her that it is nothing bad.
Use Firefox in private mode, enable privacy all that goes and disable progress.
Then use Discord in this browser.
No progress is created and after closing the program (at correct settings) all data is deleted. I.e. you do not recognize any pages already called. You will also be logged in to Discord.
That should help, I think
Ok good idea but the problem is I’m on the phone and on the phone runs discord with me don’t keep as clean and liquid as e.g. on laptop or on PC
Explain other persons who use Discord about the data protection problem during use and relies on alternative software.
If you’re under 16, remember that Discord is only 16 years old… See on Google!
Well, if you can’t have it deleted vllt?
I don’t have it, though there are really many around me! And I’m still alive, I’m not a freak and joa!
And no one else will show it! You can also watch
I’ll take care of myself, but sometimes I’ll take risks and that’s what happens
And no you don’t always have everything but I find it at Discord is the case